Friday, November 18, 2005

my curly

Curly is just such a little mommy. She and li'l ~j. are so different. I think I'm always so surprised at what Curly does because I was more like li'l ~j.. Li'l ~j. lives to play with friends. Yesterday she spent her after-school daylight hours playing football with her friend Braxton. Curly, on the other hand, had a friend over but after about 15 minutes decided that she wanted her friend to go home and instead wanted me to go cuddle with her on the couch. I've always said that Curly is our little lover. There have been times - yes, more than one - when I'm trying to get Superstar to fall asleep for a nap (I'm the type that rocks/cuddles/holds their babies to sleep instead of just putting them in their crib), and it's not working, and I get up to answer the phone, and by the time I'm done with the phone call, Curly is telling me, "Mom, you can put Superstar in her room now. I helped her go to sleep." Curly is only 2 & 1/2 years older than Superstar, but Superstar will often go to Curly for a hug or to play, and Curly always obliges.

I just wanted to share that little bit about Curly and tell you about what she just said. She LOVES to help with housework, and after breakfast, she was helping me wash the table, chairs, bar, & barstools. I sprayed the 409 and she followed with a paper towel (then I followed her with another paper towel). While cleaning the table, Curly looked at me, and with a huge smile, said, "Mommy, we stick together!" And then my heart melted a little.


  1. Awwwww, so cute. Neither of my kids were snugglers so I will need to keep them coming until I get an Emma!

  2. that's such a sweet story. i was just telling my classmates about emma today as i was boasting my recent picture of the girls around school. they fell in love with her and the stories i told of her. i miss her so much. all of them. she's a good one.

  3. How Sweet! My heart melts a little every time I talk to or hear a story about these WONDERFUL little granddaughters. I can't wait to see them again.

  4. Plus, Emma has the most amazing head of golden hued ringlets. She kind of looks like a little angel.

  5. That's beautiful... don't you feel honored to be her mother?! I feel that everyday... like I don't know what I did right...but boy my princess is too good for someone like me.

  6. One time I cuddled Emma. Actually it was like 900 times. But then I moved to Wisconsin. I'd like to be momica again. I miss her.

  7. What a sweetie! It is amazing how different and yet completely wonderful each child can be!

  8. Last night I heard some talking and other sounds coming out of Will's room about 30 minutes after I put that 23-month-old to bed. I went into his room and picked him up out of the crib. He hugged me and then looked at me and said, "Thank You, Mami."
    After a few minutes of snuggling he said, "Down, please. Night, night Mami."


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.