Friday, December 30, 2005

a few things i think are funny

Yesterday I cleaned my room. Only a few of you out there understand the weight of that statement. I cleaned it because a friend from high school, who lives in Vermont, came for a visit yesterday. I cleaned my room for when I give the "tour o' the house" so that I could show off my massive bedroom. Christina never even came inside beyond the living room. We just went to lunch and that was it.


Last night, I donated my blood at the stake blood drive where I ran into my friend Susan. She was finished with her donation and came over to talk whilst I was getting iodined and stuck. She was eating her free Lorna Doone cookies, which, let's be honest, is the best incentive for donating any bodily fluids. She mentioned that those cookies are the only reason she even goes "to these things", and I told her that I agree; I said, "They give them out at the hospital, too - that's why I have babies." We concluded that since they're given out at hospitals and by the Red Cross, Lorna Doone Cookies must be healthy and good for you.


I think this photo is funny. It's from my 10-year high school reunion, which was in New York this past July. I think it's funny because the guy I'm standing with is, in fact, NOT named Nader Geliel, as his name tag suggests, but rather, Michael Ireland.


  1. I do that house cleaning thing for the same reasons. Several times over the years J has complained, "How come your friends or events are worth cleaning for and i'm not." Men are so funny.

    In stitches am I!

  2. You look so purty in that picture!

  3. Why, thanks. It's the gave them to me.

    Honestly, did I ever tell you about when I was ready to leave for the party that night, what my mom said to me about how good I looked?

  4. Carina - as far as I'm concerned, hosting is by far the best incentive to clean.

  5. Jenny...I haven't seen many pictures of you but you look great!! You look blonde and tan and ready for a 10 year reunion to impress everyone with how good you look 10 years later....

    I need to clean my room, right now.

  6. Thanks, Bek, that's so nice. People looked me RIGHT IN THE FACE and had NO IDEA who I was. And there were fewer than 150 graduates in my class, about 80 people in attendance. Everybody knew everybody. Weird...

    Oh, also, Darin had put on his name tag: Darin Eckton (Noonan), which I also thought was funny.

  7. If it weren't for guests I'd never clean. No, seriously... never.

  8. What did Granpa Bunsies say? Also, do you think I should hire Busti Betsy for the Treintaneara?

  9. Okay. I came downstairs in my new dress and new hair and sparkles and make-up and more sparkles...and my mom complimented me, told me I looked great. As I was giving her some final babysitting instructions, she just stared at me and repeated, "Jenny, you look REALLY GREAT!" Thanks, Mom. More instructions. "I... *chuckle* ...just can't get over how beautiful you look!" Again, thank you, it's getting weird. "You just look so beautiful. With your hair and your make-up're so pretty. You look like Brandy."

    And scene.

    Story of my life.

    And, if you're requesting the Bag Lady...?? Are you? People normally don't request that for their own events, but it could certainly, theoretically, be arranged.

  10. you think it's bad that you looked like me? i'm pretty. now that my hair is mocha brown with some highlights, mom says i look like you. we're both pretty. but i don't wear sparkles. so you couldn't have looked like me.

  11. No, you nob. My point is that Mom was appalled that I could look SO pretty as you. Like I said, story of my life. You're the cute one. Don't rub it in.

  12. i'm not a knob and i'm not the cute one. i think it's that we have never looked alike and now that we're older... YOU being older than ME by the way... we're starting to look more alike. remember when the kid on the school bus asked me why my sister was black? at least we're not like james and look EXACTLY like dad... well, except for that eye thing.

  13. I try to schedule an event at my house at least quarterly so that my house gets cleaned 4 times a year (whether it needs it or not!). And in the summer my yard does much better if I try to have a party in it once or twice. Good strategy, I find.

  14. OK What I really wanted to say to both of you was that "You are SO BEAUTIFUL! You look just like me!"

  15. And I think that photo is funny because your friend looks like Schwarzenegger.

  16. Holy cow. I cannot believe you said that. Have you seen the "who do you look like" web address that's been going around lately? If not, go to my sidebar and click on Ignore the Crazy - that explains it. Anyway, Bek (the author of Ignore the Crazy) scanned this very photo and guess who was one of Michael's matches. Yes. The president of California himself.

  17. I play that game with myself all the time! I frequently see "celebrities" around town--my husband get regular reports. Even more fun than that is a game I call "Love Child"--spotting a person who is the perfect mix of somebody + somebody. Sometimes those somebodies would never be able to never be able to reproduce on their own, but through the power of imagination . . . !

    I tried to plug in my face to see what celebs I resemble, but that website doesn't appreciate Macs. I'll try it when I'm next at the library!

  18. I love the Lorna Doones---totally off-subject. i had them in the hospital right after i had esther and i was starving. i asked for a "little snack" and--whala--in came the lorna doones. i also like the fig newtons and the little cranberry juice in the thin plastic cup with tear-away paper spill-proof cover....i was going for the gallon club (donating every 8 weeks) back in high school, but then i got my second ear pierce in college--and that put me out of the running for a year (weird, huh? it was a crusty kiosk in crossroads mall, but....) and i haven't donated blood since.

    and, you do look cute in the pic! although, i'm not used to you blonde. and since i've only met you once, that doesn't make much sense. i think you look beYOUtiful every way....

    and, i was the "big" girl in my family of petite waifs-for-sisters. i spent years trying to understand what happened to my genes. i still don't know, but i don't care.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.