Tuesday, December 20, 2005

five golden touques

Tonight I'm going to go to Temple Square. Why? Because it's the required December Youth Activity, and it's called To See The Lights. I wonder if it will be any different than any other year I've gone...


The way our Christmas letter gets written each year is as follows: I write about the girls and myself and our travels, etc., and then I pass it on to Darin so that he can write what he wants about what he's been up to. I mailed out more than 120 Christmas cards, which makes me think I need to reduce & simplify my list for next year. After the first batch got sent out, I needed more so I asked Darin to print out more copies of The Christmas Letter. After I had sent out about, oh, 40 or so of those, I realized that Darin had printed out the first draft version of our Christmas letter. That means that there was NOTHING written about Darin in those letters. So I mailed the final draft letter to about 40-ish people who may or may not have gotten the wrong letter. Yes, I have spent far too much on postage this year.


Last night, Curly's preschool class performed some songs, Christmas and not, at a retirement home in Orem. I knew when I put her in to this class that music would be a huge part of their learning, and so, after her school, three days a week since the end of August, I have asked her to tell me about/sing the songs she learned. Her response was a whiny, "MMMMmmm." Last night, that nugget sang about 15 songs, of which I had never previously heard her sing one word.


For the past 4 or 5 years, I've been invited, and gone, to a Holiday Cookie Exchange Party, hosted by my friend Melanie, who just exudes the perfect balance of class and style in all she does. It was cancelled this year because Melanie had the pneumonia. Cheers, Melanie. This year, Darin and I went to a really, really fun Christmas party. We saw old friends and made new friends and stayed out late and laughed and just, in general, had a really fantastic time. This may not seem like such a big deal, but I realized that this was the first party that Darin and I have ever been invited to, not as a family, but as a couple. That is a huge deal to me. Thank you, Lisa and Chris, for a wonderful evening.


We have sacrament meeting on Sunday at 9. It's only one hour, but...I initially had the thought, "Let's just not go." But then I remembered that even people who NEVER go to church go at least on Christmas. Okay, then. Is it bad that I think I'd rather go to a midnight mass service?


  1. I like Tequila...ok - I like the idea that I might like Tequila.

    So I'm so lame this year - the letter is sort of a last thought...and I just finished it today. I don't know - usually I feel inspired to write something - I feel like I've used up all the juices on my blog... and if that doesn't spell a sad state of affairs...

    I wish we could put audio and video on our blogs... would be so fun to hear the Christmas songs.

    We're going to the New Years party here...and if it's anything like the Halloween one... those of us that used to go clubbing will dance again.

    I wish every Sunday would be like Christmas Sunday... 1 HOUR! I'd actually make it on time.


  2. I think I'm going to try to get out our cards tomorrow. Maybe Thursday. Aren't cards more fun when they are postmarked the 24th of December? I certainly think so.

    Please tell, how was your trip to crowdedcrowdedcrowded Temple Square?

    So fun to see you today at the store. I think back and six months ago our carts would have just passed and we wouldn't have said a word to each other!

    Also, now that you know me, there will be more invites for adults only.

  3. I never thought I would say this but....I WISH I LIVED IN UTAH!! Well, that is only kind of true--my mom would drive me to the edge of crazy town and push me right on in. I have a great life here too, but I kind of feel like I am missing out on something....I am the only one that throws parties here. I would LOVE to be a GUEST at Carinas.

    Road trip anyone? :-)

  4. Carina - the Temple Square was ridiculous. My favorite was the youth group that decided to have their donut party in the parking lot so that the rest of us couldn't park in it. That, and the Mia Maid telling me how to drive.

    It was cool to see you at the store, you all loaded up with treats and me all loaded up with cranky, whiny girls. I just cannot get over how fetching your haircut is.

    Bek - I wish you lived here, too. I think we should have a big party, maybe next 4th of July, or, even better, let's all go shopping together in Orem at 4:am next day-after-Thanksgiving. Easy for me to say, I live here.

  5. Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, I vote for the 4th of July, I actually will probably be there then! Our family is having a reunion the 8-15th, so we thought we head out early!!

    p.s. love, love, love, bob and doug McKenzie--"this should be the 2 days of christmas, this is too hard for us."

  6. Hey, I could do the 4th. My mom had declared that Christmas is the biggest pain in the bum time to try and reuinte the whole family. It is cold outside so the kids are stuck in, there isn't enough room for everyone. In our family we do a SUMMER get together. I am there! Who else lives far away? Any chance of getting Melanee, Carina? Lisa, Jenny, Carina...who else wants to come? I will cook....


  7. And a (root)beer.....in a tree.

  8. can I invite myself to your 4th party?

  9. We should do it in Utah, because it is legal to shoot fireworks in the street, and we can't do that in fire-safety-minded stupid California. And I am obsessed with "cul-de-sac of fire."

  10. Lorien is in......it will be like a block party, but for a blog "block" not a geographical one. Jen G, are you in Utah this summer?

  11. Done and let's. My cul-de-sac is GREAT for fire.

  12. I'm glad we're planning this now, because my social calendar fills up fast. Nick of time.

  13. Oh Carina.....I have to gear myself up RIGHT NOW for the LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG drive to Utah with the cranky kids (alone too, I am pretty sure D won't make it). I think it would be fun. I am sure we will get Lisa Clark in too. CJane, are you there?



Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.