Sunday, December 11, 2005

good santa


  1. so cute. love dem girls.

  2. So fun to see pictures! Love the curly hair... GORGEOUS!

    And... the snow pictures are so fun. I have yet to introduce Kalea to snow...

  3. Jen--I didn't know your girls had curyly hair!!! As a curly head myself, it will their pride and the drag of their lives!!! They are so cute! I don't know what your husband looks like, but I think they look like you. Is it me, or does Clara have a totally different look? I need to see more pictures of everyone's kids....


  4. i don't have any kids. and clara does have a different look. she shares alot of rae and emma but she looks alot like darin, i think. but dang they're so cute.

  5. Yes, the curly hair...I feel the day, not too far off, when I am repeatedly cursed for passing on the curls. Even now, I love when my hair is straightened (when I have an hour+, the right product, etc.). I didn't appreciate my curls until my tenth grade school picture.

    And here's a mother's take: Unless I label them, I will have a hard time determining which photos are Rae and which are Clara. Emma has her own look (which Taylor had as well), but lately Clara's been shooting off looks that are DEFINITELY Emma. Here's the thing: People always say that Rae looks just like me; I say Clara looks like Rae; people say that Clara looks like Darin; Darin and I look nothing alike. How is it that two people who look nothing like each other can produce little people that look exactly like both of them (parents) and yet have completely different looks from their siblings, who also match the parents?!

  6. Ahhh genetics are such a crazy mix-up! I was just trying to put together who looks like who last night. I confess that I just gave up.

    Amalgams, hybrids, and composites; those adorable girls just look like themselves.

    Love the haircuts!

  7. Yeah...the haircuts...I clearly don't know what I'm doing, so I think I'll take them somewhere next time.

    Thanks for having us at El Guille's fiesta, Carina. It was very nice. I'm only sorry we couldn't stay longer.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.