Wednesday, December 28, 2005

hi it's my birthday hi

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my seester who still thinks she got the worst deal ever by having to have her birthday three days after Christmas but come on, lots of people celebrate their birthdays this time of year so just be happy about it already and have a great day , BRANDY!!


  1. Dear Brandy, Happy Birthday. My sister is three days before Christmas and my son two days. Before is hard because people are trying to gear up for the day and don't have time for your piddly birthday.

    Three days after is AWESOME. Everything is on SALE! You can get wicked awesome presents because your dollar goes that much further.

  2. happy Birthday Brandy! We love you and all of your depravity! Give an extra special massage for us...

  3. Jen- Thank you for the birthday wishes. I love you guys too. I've had a great birthday so far. I hope you, W, and the Jooj had a great Christmas. And I've gotten better at dealing with my birthday being 3 days after Christmas. I just curse Betsy and Jerry every year for not planning better. But I haven't gotten better at making it known that it's my birthday. I literally walk around saying "Hi, It's my birthday. Hi."

    Carina- Although I don't know you, thnk you for your birthday wishes. I hope your sister and son had happy ones as well. maybe one of these days when I visit my sister, I can meet you.


  4. Tia - Hi. You are PLENTY SKILLED at letting people know it's your birthday. As in, "Only 15 shopping days until my birthday!" Plenty skilled... :)

  5. Don't listen to her, beans, I do that too, and my birthday is in 171 shopping days.

  6. ganzie... is that 171 shopping days including the sabbath or not?

  7. Of course. I am not the one to impose my beliefs on anyone. That would not be very patriotic.


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