Thursday, December 29, 2005

how 'bout them transparent dangling carrots?

Thank you, Cjane, Jetset, Darlybird, Downstage Left and Oh, Judy! for a fabulous lunch date. I feel bad for being the one who had to break it all up to get home. I had a great time getting to actually know you more (as opposed to cyber-know you). It was surreal-ish to be sitting with the bloggers.

And speaking of surreal-ish, thank you to Queen Scarlett and WendySue, whom I have never met and sent me Christmas cards filled with photos of their lovely daughters.

Such an interesting world, isn't this?


  1. You left on a high note. I want more!

  2. I am very jealous.......

    How was Christmas?

  3. We'll do it again when Bek comes out!

  4. Yes, let's. you know about our plans for a get-together next summer? Also, I love your new self-portrait.

  5. I'll be there from the 13th to the 22nd... hint hint

  6. There were some rumors of a dessert party replete with cocktail/formal dress.

  7. Yes, that's January's event, scheduled for when Jen can be here. (What day is the wedding??) As I explained it to Darin, it's hosted by Carina, who will showcase her talents and treat us to her yummy desserts. Our job is to dress as princesses. Sounds delightful.

  8. Loved your note cute photo...and love that you sent a replacement letter with explanation... you crack me up. AND... like Bek... I am jealous. Did anyone take pictures at the blog lunch? How fun!

  9. Carina...the Bean Society could have used you. Ask Topher for an explaination.

    Queen Scarlett, are you able to come to Utah at all in the summer? Otherwise, we will have to be sure to get ourselves a big pint of Hagen Daz and eat the whole thing the night they all have the dessert party...

  10. Wedding is on Saturday the 21st at 7 pm. Any other day or time is great. I will not be in cocktail attire, as I do not drink.

  11. Bek - I'm not able to go to Utah... mostly because I have a rather intense revulsion for the state now... long story. BUT... you'll have to let us know when the meeting I can get me some Hagen Daz... for a delicious root beer float... Hagen Daz Vanilla with Weinhardt's Root Beer... mmmmm.... makes it so you can't even try the refreshments from Church anymore. You know, cheap ice cream, cheaper root beer.

  12. And what about your darling kiddos! I love 'em!
    And. . .queen. . .even worse, nasty store brand ice cream and homemade root beer with the dry ice. . .
    And. . I'm going out right now to get myself a pint of Haggen Daas since I missed out on the big fun luncheon!

  13. Queen...where are you now? Maybe we can have our OWN super secret lunchen when WendySue comes to visit her sister just 30 minutes away from me!! Is Cali an option? We may just have to do the Disneyland thing.

    We were all set to go in Feb, but we had to buy a new car (grrrrr) and that money is gone. We do still plan to go in October......

  14. WendySue - I am gaggin now...

    Bek - I'm in NorCal - Sac we should do a Cali blogger party while there's a Utah one going on... ;-)

    Disneyland in October... not a bad idea...

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. hey--the blog luncheon was DELIGHTFUL! I loved meeting you and hope that we can do something again...i'll probably be in utah more often now that my parents are coming home from a 3-year stint in africa. wahoo!

    and QUEEN--what part of sac do you live in? I'm here, too...


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.