Tuesday, January 10, 2006

and all I have left are stinky holes

I had a procedure performed on Monday morning at the podiatrist's office. I had this same procedure 10 years ago, and hopefully won't have to have it again in another 10 years, but only time will tell. I'll spare you the details, but let's just put it out there that, sitting in the chair in that office yesterday morning, with the doctor at my feet, I saw smoke coming from the instrument he was touching my feet with. And, let it also be said that I now have holes in the bottom of my feet. To sum up, my feet hurt. They did not hurt yesterday, as they were completely numb, but they hurt now.

I bring this up because it's what has been on my mind most of the day. In addition to these thoughts, or perhaps in a subconcious attempt to divert my attention from the pain (no, Silly, I can't just put my feet up - I have to be on them all day long), I have paid extra attention to the things that Curly has said to me today. These things are in addition to the numerous "I love you more than anything"s and "I want to cuddle you"s that I receive daily. These are quite different. Specifically:

~"Mom, you look like a robot."

~"Mama? You look like a donkey."

~ *pointing to a piece of artwork by li'l ~j. that is hanging on the refrigerator - an "African Tribal Mask", or, more accurately, a paper plate with dried beans and feathers glued onto it* "Mama, what is that thing? Is it a donkey?" (my reply, "I don't think so, baby.") "It IS a donkey!"


  1. My sister was showing off a similar black burn on her foot Sunday.

    It's a good thing you're hitched with kids, because those black burns aren't attractive. She'll never get married now!!

  2. Maybe I could come over since I look like a maid and clean your house for you with my large knuckles.

  3. Oh, come now. I think you mean ATHLETIC knuckles. All the better to manage all of those janitorial keys. ("Because Brian is considering a career in the custodial arts.")

  4. I have a friend who routinely takes his failing-grades teenage son out to sit and wait for the garbage man to "learn what he is doing, because that is what job you are qualifying yourself for." Should I tell him to take his son big-key shopping?

  5. my foot surgery was fun. my new pick up line is "wanna see my scar?" it's a nice little thing on my foot.

    chicken pot pie and i don't care.

  6. J - what did you have done? I'm so sorry it's awful! I'm sitting here trying to imagine what torture they did to you...

  7. Caffine..you are killing me. I just reread your post again and between you and donkey robot here, you have made my day...


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.