Wednesday, January 18, 2006


  1. Whew. I have a place I can go.

    I laughed so hard. Thank you, Jenny.

  2. I love that site.

    Welcome back to the hizzouse.

  3. "Are we there yet? How much farther?"

  4. Hilarious. You made my day! Where did you find it?

  5. This is awesome... I just had this emailed to me by one of my friends... that read my post of procrastinating...

  6. oh my gosh! this is so hysterical! i guess i'll be converting...

  7. I saw this on your place first..but since then have had this sent to me via e mail no less then 6 times...

    It is pretty funny....

  8. Carina - thanks, it's nice to be home.

    Emmie - my husband sent it to me, but you can make any sign you want (sorry to disappoint! I know this would be a nice sign to see on the side of any road...) at the web address on the top of that sign.

  9. Thank you. That's the best I've felt since midnight on December 31. But what I really need now is the address...

  10. Welcome, Compulsive! I'm a fan/stalker of your own blog. Do you mean the website address? Here you go:

  11. Thank you for the kind welcome--sometimes I feel obtrusive commenting on the blogs of people who don't know me (although I kinda thought that was part of the whole point). You (and any comments you care to share) are welcome chez moi anytime.

    No, I actually meant such a church. I am still stuck in Mosiah and have now failed twice as our ward did the whole "read the BOM thing" the year prior and so it's taken us two years to get to Mosiah. Needless to say I have found getting four kids from the ages of 6 to 16 together enough to finish more than daunting. But we are still trying. I know I could do better if I got everyone up at 6:00am in the morning to read, but I have this idea that kids' little bodies need their sleep and most of us are night owls at my house.

    In any case, I feel doomed and judged and lots of other terrible feelings. Especially because I have the fondest of feelings for President Hinckley and I think I am a big loser for not starting sooner or staying awake longer or somehow getting the deed done. So I just loved that sign--real or no. I'm sure there is somewhere out there that would take us in...

  12. I loved the sign, too, for those same reasons. It's a release of, "Oh - I'm not the only one that can't do EVERYTHING that I think (or am told to think) I should be doing." A time and a season, folks. Turn, turn, turn.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.