Wednesday, January 04, 2006

the final countdown



    I might need an analrapist if they go off the air...

  2. what's this all about?

  3. I received an email from Disney Insider a while back and saved it because this guy reminded me of Gob Bluth. Creepy.

  4. I'm so sad AR is going away. This show slays me. At least we'll have The Office. For now anyways...

  5. This is a Disney guy? I've been unable to comment since you posted it because I'm still cringing from it's unbearable freakishness.

  6. I am alternately in mourning and in giddiness at the possible cancellation. There's a chance that Fox won't even air the last four filmed episodes, they aren't on the schedule.

    Right now, Fox just reduced the season order and doesn't have it on the schedule.
    They've replaced Arrested Development with SKATING WITH CELEBRITIES AND I SWEAR THAT IF ANY OF YOU WATCH THAT SHOW I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN...ok...breathe...

    IF Fox cancels AD, then there is a chance that Showtime or ABC might pick it up. The worst is if Fox just sits on the show.

    Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. I got AD Season 1 and 2 for Christmas, if anyone wants to have a viewing party, I'll bring the DVDs.

    In the meantime:

    "I know she's brown, with points. And I know I love her!"

  7. The Office does soften the blow...

    Hey, I ALSO got seasons 1 & 2 for Christmas...

    "Sister's my new mother, Mother."

    Has anyone gone to It reads success... Is it real?

  8. No, it's a year old. It was a success at the time because Fox ordered a third season.

    And then they reduced the ordered episodes from 22 to 18.

    The one you want to go to is:

    For everyone who doesn't watch Arrested Development...what do you want? A cookie? A kiss? What can I do to make you watch this show? I record it every week because it's on at a rough time for me.

    If it goes away because you weren't watching it and you discover it a year too late, oh the weeping/wailing/gnashing of teeth.

  9. I went to that one the night it aired and there was no such thing. I also put on my 3-D glasses at the appropriate time, but it didn't work either.


    Try that...

    Also, I think I'm too emotionally attached to that show.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.