Saturday, January 28, 2006

should i get gephardt?

My friends, we have been duped. Or, I have, at least. Remember my last post, where I cleverly told what my birthday is? Well, that entire site is a HOAX.

How do I know this? Well, a little research, my friends, a little research and detective work...and, WAY too much time spent on that site.

Oh, I wanted to believe. Truly, I did. Portions of it, I DID believe. Are people drawn to me? I'd certainly like to think so. Am I a little psychic? YES, but to talk about it would be too Lily Dale for my liking, so I never do. Do I despise authority? Uh...have you MET me? And those are just from my birthday meaning - there are others that I didn't even post that I wanted to believe:

~What kind of food am I? Chinese (great!)

~What musician (or group) shares my taste in music? Maroon 5 (super!)

~Could I pass 8th grade math? No (I know!)

~What coffee drink am I? Frappucino (duh)

All of that aside, I was reading Rachel's blog and saw that she, too, wanted to know what her birthday meant about her. First part: You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.

Wait a second, I've read that before...

Next: You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.

...and when I read it I thought it was completely off for whose birthday I was researching...

Then: Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.

Ah-HA! I remember now. This was the inaccurate reading for my husband's birthday.

So does that mean that Darin and Rachel share a birthday? No, it does not. His is November 28th, and hers is June 28th. Uh-oh.

I quickly went to blogthings and re-entered my own birthday. Then March 7th. Then October 7th. Then, since it's my power month, July 7th. All the same.

*sigh* I feel violated. Violated and naive. Violated and naive and as though I, in fact, do NOT impress others with my insights.


  1. This is exactly the kind of thing that Bill Gephardt excels in. Maybe you should ask him to get your bandwidth back?

  2. funny... my birthday said the same thing as Darin's and Rachel's. And my birthday is when??? On the 28th of a month.

  3. p.s. speaking of lily dale... did you know that willa white is a medium there?

  4. I went to that site and knew IMMEDIATELY that it was a farce. How did I know? Was it because I was compared to DONALD TRUMP for my money management capabilities? NO! Was it because my power sign is $$$$$? NO! It was because I KNOW that my power could never, ever, ever be any shade of PURPLE! Especially, not PLUM! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Jenny, but I figured you wouldn't take it well from me-- being your mom and in a sense a "power figure" Love you.

  5. Leslie Norris says there are only 12 stories in the whole world. Perhaps there are actually only 31 personality types. I guess that's better than 12.

  6. I adore Leslie Norris, but I find it interesting that he says that about 12 stories, because I have two of his volumes, and there are WAY more than 12 stories in them. Maybe I am being duped!! (I promise not to sic Gephardt on him if he reads me a bedtime story at night so I can hear his accent.)

  7. There's a link for it in my previous post where it reads, "What Does Your Birth Date Mean?"

  8. Maybe you were only half-duped. I checked it out and got the following: You tend to be understated...people may see you as strange and shy...your power symbol is square. I'm so laughing out loud. Understated, shy? No way. Strange, square? You betcha!

    Oh...and I agree--Leslie Norris has the perfect voice for bedtime stories. I took a class from him once and immediately dropped it because I was so intimidated by his brilliance, and his voice. I really wasn't worthy to be in the same room...

  9. thanks for clearing up the confusion, j! now, have you ever read the birthday book, where there really are 365 different profiles? i read mine back when i was a freshman in college and was freaked out because it seemed DEAD ON! i haven't checked since and since i've changed quite a bit since then, it might not be as applicable now. but it's worth a look.

  10. Is that the title? The Birthday Book?

  11. So, do I pronounce your new stage name with the tildae as "Enn-Jay?"

  12. Yes, it's called The Birthday Book. It's a large book and quite thick. The Birthday Book is located in the New Age/Astrology section of the bookstore. And you will want to wash your hands after browsing it because that book has more paws touching it than all the kibble in the world. At least it's not one of the books that is "Flagged" on a regular basis.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.