Sunday, February 19, 2006

mine is smarter than yours

...well, she's smarter than her mom, anyway.

In the case that I'm asked the question, "What one thing would you want with you on a deserted island?", the debate within is always: Which CD? That, of course, assuming there's a cd player and a power source on said island.

Last night we watched a bit of Castaway on Channel 4 (because the Olympics were better when they were in Salt Lake), and li'l ~j. was obsessed with, "Man, I'll bet that guy wishes he had brought along his shaver! He doesn't even get to SHAVE!"

So tonight as we were eating our Bear Creek Darn Good Chili (because it came from Maceys), I posed the question to my children: If you were stuck on an island like that guy in the movie last night, what one thing would you want with you?

Curly thought for a minute before happily and confidently proclaiming, "Kitties!"

Li'l ~j. looked at me and said...

... "a boat."


  1. Well, duh, ~J, that makes perfect sense.

    Give like Dive was my first clue.

    But I gotta give it up for Emma, she's the dreamer, and I love her for that.

  2. Let me guess, that was followed by a big roll of the eyes as she swaggered away. Little stinkers.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Good Job Rae....

    She is getting to be that age isn't she, where she thinks that she knows everything. The problem is, she probably does!!!
    I am still that age.

  5. I love how their personalities shine through. why didn't any of us grown-ups think of a boat? If we're on a stranded island we should take Rae.

    Bravo ~J... you're doing an AMAZING job with those brilliant girls.

  6. Thank you, thank you. She is brilliant and we could use her on our islands (Cabesh thought so, too).

  7. Excellent work Rae. I have never thought of that in all my years of contemplating that question.

    P.S. how was the concert?

  8. She also knows about the distance of stars.

    And kittens is a great answer because in the long run you could eat them...right?

  9. Yes, you COULD eat the kittens. I have a story about that...remind me.

    The concert (keep in mind how critical I can be of this stuff): the opening band (Matt Harding's trio) was very, very good. I do, however, prefer a more intimate setting for his music. Kalai was extremely mediocre. Ben Harper rip-off when he was singing, Mitch Hedberg rip-off when he was talking. I have about 30 CDs of the exact same things that he performed.

  10. Yes, I claim taking Rae. Not sure what happened for my comment to be deleted....possibly 3-year-old mouse clicking while I was changing a diaper? Curious....

  11. That is so girl! I can tell you what my apparently less smart kids would say: 16-year-old boy: my iPod; 14-year-old boy: Microsoft Messenger capabilities; 10-year-old girl: a boy, preferrably one with long hair and an attitude; 6-year-old boy: Mom (of course on any given day Mom would come in close second to Nintendo).

  12. That's great - "preferrably with an attitude." I hope I didn't offend with the title of this intention is more accurate in the first line. My kids are so much more smart than their mom.

  13. No offense taken--I got your drift. Although I joke about what my kids would say right off the top of their heads, I'm sure I would be humbled by whatever answer they would give if they were serious. It's startling how much smarter and deeper-thinking kids are these days. I also know my kids are both smarter and so much more aware than I ever was at their ages. (And I will openly admit that my kids passed me up on my best--not favorite, but best--subject [math] as mere Freshmen at Provo High.)

  14. I figured I was kinda smart, so why didn't I think of that? Sheesh.

  15. Nice. She probably has already figured out the "i wish for more wishes" genie loophole.
    That is my favorite Rae ever.

    (my kid is so smart that she can eat all of the door-jam-springy-thingy-caps all by herself.)

    Secret message today: ckrzywj. As in CK is CRAZY with Waldo and Jen.

  16. Jen, One Step Ahead has doorstop thingeys without caps (you know how I am about choking hazards). The downside is that they're also without springs, so WATCH OUT - don't run into one or else you'll break a toe.


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