Friday, March 24, 2006

may i interest you in some...guster?

That's right, kids, it's time once again to go to a concert with Jenny!

This time it's GUSTER, next Friday night, at the McKay Events Center at UVSC. That's Friday night, March 31st.

I have two extra tickets, for which I paid $22 (+ a $6.50 rip-off service charge), each. You get to sit near my sister-in-law, her sister, my husband, and me. Lucky, lucky you.

Interested? Post comment, or email jennyeckton (at)


  1. i wish i could go. that would be so fun. love guster shows. i'm still debating on going to naughty by nature tomorrow in erie. and quiet riot was there last night. ate lunch at my very hot spot.

  2. Why isn't your brother going to be there?

  3. He's translating for conference the next day and doesn't want to go to a concert the night before (nerd).

  4. My hubby was just asking me the other day if I'd go with him to this concert. Um, WHO? Usher? Gusher? Buster? I'm sorry, I've never heard of Guster. He was disappointed because I think he really wanted to "share" the experience with me. But I won't feel guilty because it's not like I ask him to come with me to a sewing class. ;o) Same difference.

  5. I would so go with you if I was in Utah... and wear my little black back pack... ;-)

  6. Can I interest you in a swap...say for Kenny Rogers playing in Juarez this week? (El Gambolero.)

  7. SOLD! -to David Eaton and his lovely sister Brookey who will be in town then. Hip hip.

  8. oh david eaton....

  9. Crap. I just decided to buy them and ran downstairs to check my calendar. Sad, sad day for Ben. Boo hoo. If they can't come, let moi know.

  10. Now I'm a little miffed; at myself, mind you. Let me 'splain. Tomorrow is my 8th wedding anniversary. Ben and I decided on no gifts but then I realized that the Guster tix would absolutely surprise him (see previous comment to give you an idea of what he dealt with when he asked me) and he'd be thrilled. I should've been more thoughtful earlier and not been so stubborn about making my eternal companion happy for once. Lord knows he does his darnedest to please me - I get whatever I want; pretty much. Bummer. Maybe you could give me info to buy my own tix somewhere? Minus the $6.50 surcharges please ;o)

  11. DAVE EATON! Does he know how to appreciate good music? Tell him HI!

  12. Shannon - I'll email you.


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