Tuesday, March 07, 2006

senior moment

I cannot think of anything to write about. I feel a tremendous burden in the writer's block arena. Yet, I feel the need to write. Any suggestions?


  1. start with lists? i find that lists give me a jumping off point for writing...and they are no- threat writing. topics: things that make me happy, things that make me mad, places i want/don't want to travel, people i want to meet/am glad i have met....and then see where that takes you. good luck. i hate writer's block, especially when i want to write.

  2. I second the list idea! It helped me last week when I had a major case of writer's block.

  3. How 'bout this:

    Don't ask me "Why don't you..." when you really should mean "Will/Would/How'bout you..." If you ask me the first question then I'll think of an answer as to WHY I WON'T. If you ask me the second question then I probably will do it.

    "Why don't you do the dishes?"
    Because you're a jerk.


    "Will you do the dishes?"
    Sure! I'd love to! Let me give you a massage and make you some pie.

    "Why don't you take a shower?"
    Because you're a jerk.


    "How 'bout you take a shower?"
    Thank you for suggesting it! I've been waiting for someone to come home and take care of the crazy kids, house and dog so I can wash myself in peace and let Calgon take me away! I love you.

  4. Your review of the Oscars, for those of us who don't watch TV?

  5. Writers block. I always want to think of something profound to say, but it ends up being about my kids anyway. That is ok because my parents use it as a way to have a relationship with my children (what with us not going home much). But, I do feel the niggle to write more then that.

    I like the above suggestions.
    Can't wait to hear what you have to say.

  6. How about write something about.......Me?!

  7. right.

    I'll work on some things... I'll thank you kindly for keeping the suggestions coming...

  8. Have you looked to recent news for inspiration? The quirky stories are my favorites. For example: Did you know a 75-year-old woman in PA has recently been charged with robbery and that stout Australians need sturdier toilets? And then there's that whole thing with Trump wanting to date his daughter...Now that's a conservation just waiting to happen.

  9. How about freewriting? Write for 20 minutes. The only rule is to keep the pen moving, even if you write "I have nothing to write about, I wonder what I should say next, it's just so. . ." (you get the point). You don't worry about spelling, punctuation, self-editing, etc, you never go back, you just keep the pen moving. You just write whatever pops into your head. It's very freeing.

  10. Write about man's inhumanity towards man, or about man vs. nature or about deus ex machina or about American Idol.

  11. Write about what you know best. Your children, music, Jackie Lyn Bongo, allergies, Darin, marching band of the 90's, skiing--NY vs UT,
    graffitti walls, (did I spell that wrong?)favorite teachers, Bundy, cousins, Chautauqua county music festival. ANYTHING!!! I'm ready to read. Love you,

  12. Skits you would do on SNL if you were a writer for that show.

  13. Or do another "my list" those are so funny!
    Signed, Me

    P.S. Let's hold hands in cottages across this world. Sisters. Sisters!

  14. Actually, cjane, I have been working on another list. I'll finish it up and see what I can come up with. I think I need a solid writing assignment.

    PS - I'll build you a rainbow.

  15. You know someone named Bongo? You are so freaking LUCKY!

  16. Oh, you mean Jackie Lyn Bongo? My cat?

  17. Yes , YOUR cat. Just let people know you haven't always had an unlove for pets.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.