Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"Is 'season' a compound word?"

My daughter asked me that question a few weeks ago. My oldest. My brilliant. My SEVEN-YEAR-OLD.

Saturday was li'l ~j.'s birthday (as Bill Allred has called her, my 'little tax deduction'), but her birthday party was Friday night at the seventh circle of hell that is more commonly referred to as Chuck E. Cheese's. She had previously been considering two alternative party locations, an extreme sports/competition place and Classic Skate. I told her that she should think about which she would rather, taking into consideration that she doesn't know how to roller skate (and if we're having a party with kids on razor scooters, why not just have it on our street?). A few days later, li'l ~j. told me that she had decided to have her party at Chuck E. Cheese's. "Sweetie," I said, "are you sure? You had it there two years ago. Do you really, REALLY want to go there again?" Her answer: "Yes, because I think Superstar would have the best time there. She's too little for the sports and (you'd think that she'd say, 'and Superstar doesn't know how to skate, either,' but she didn't) the music at Classic Skate would hurt her ears; it's too loud."


"That's very thoughtful, li'l ~j.. If that's what you want, we'll have it there."

And so we delivered invitations, talked about not talking about it at school (not everyone in her class was invited), ordered the Costco cake, etc. I decided not to stress about the 'goodie bag' - you know, "Hey, Kid, thanks for coming and letting me feed and entertain you - here's a little something." Instead, their 'goodie' was that we gave them unlimited tokens. There were a few kids that had brought their own money and spent it, even though I told them that they didn't have to. Oh well.

The kids were all so busy playing that we didn't even have time to open gifts, and guess what - I LOVE it that way. Not making the kids sit there and watch the birthday girl open presents, rather, taking the gifts home to open them. That was great. (Except for Curly, who, with each gift that li'l ~j. opened, would lament, "Oh, I'm not so lucky...".) Now all we have left are the thank-you notes.

Li'l ~j.'s favorite adults (and babies) were with us for the weekend - the Galans and the Noonans. She didn't know that the Noonans were coming, and they surprised her at the party on Friday night. On Saturday, we presumed that any egg hunts had been cancelled due to rain, and we went to the Fashion Place Mall. While there, li'l ~j. was choosing an outfit from Jen Galan (as li'l ~j.'s gift), and Jen was talking casually with Fiona (Jooj's birth mother) about li'l ~j.: "Li'l ~j.'s like my adopted daughter...well, I mean, not my actual adopted daughter, just a kind of fake adopted daughter." (That was pretty funny.) That night we went to a barbeque. I think it's safe to say that we all had a great weekend.

And now...t-minus one year until she's baptised. Have I taught her what she needs to know? Can I get it done in time? I am stressing out about this. Help help.


  1. I'm sure you've taught her well just by your example. I didn't realize Rae and Isabel's bdays were so close (April 9.) She also turned 7. It is stressful to wonder if you've covered all the bases. Luckily they don't have to know everything when they're 8. At least I hope not. Otherwise I'm screwed... ;)

  2. Wait... Emma didn't chuck the gifts while saying "I dont need this"? Just kidding. Sorry E missed it, I'm glad Rae had a good time.
    You are doing a great job with Rae. Some of my favorite years were between 7-9. They are still young and innocent, but learning so much about life. Cherish every minute!

  3. tori - I thought Isabel's bday was about the same time. I remember her ladybug birthday party at the apartment. Isn't Tristan's close to my bday (the 7th)?

    sue - When we saw you on Friday and you raced ahead at the green light we thought YOU were coming to the party and were just trying to beat us there. tee hee.

  4. Wow- you're good. Tristan's is the 6th.

  5. Sounds like you guys had fun. I so agree with you re: presents... there's so much pressue to ooh and aah over them. It's nice to do it in private.

    Also - I don't think you need to worry - the fact that she has a caring heart and wanted to have her party so her sister could enjoy it... sounds like the lab of life at home is going just swimmingly. And... she has you for a Mom - she's going to be jumping into the font. ;-)

  6. My oldest is getting baptised one week from tonight. I'm having mixed emotions, to say the least. Lets not talk about it, OKAY?

  7. My second oldest turns 8 in June. I'm glad that they don't have to know everything. The simple fact of a child being able to understand (to a certain degree) the differnce between right and wrong, coupled with, an unserstanding that the Lord has a plan and is inviting the person to enter into an agreement (you have to finish your peas before you have any icecream) is a great way for children to develop their relationship with God.

    Now to piggyback on your Blog: This will be our first time that our two oldest (May and June b-days, ages soon to be 10 and 8)kids will be celebrating birthdays without a zillion friends (Even in church, there are only a few kids in their age groups). Any suggestions on how to prepare them for a birhtday party that will more than likely be short on guest?

  8. rae knows lots. for example, sarah was stressing out when she came to visit over the summer because i guess rae gave a tongue lashing (or maybe she was afraid rae was going to give it to her... i can't remember) for wearing a tank top and shorts above her knees in our house.

  9. oh yeah and she tols me she was choosing the right by not calling names and saying bad words.

  10. AND.... She told me that her birthday next year will be on a Sunday and she will be 8 years old and her Papi is going to baptize her. That was after she asked if I was coming to her birthday this year and I told her no, but would be there next year. She knows everything she needs to know and will continue to learn.

  11. I was baptized when I was 25 so doing it at 8 is tough for me to grasp. I want my kids to be as dedicated to the decision as I was. I hope I "get it" in less than 2 yrs when my oldest is 8.

    I love Rae's thoughtfulness toward Clara and her hearing.

  12. Uhm, can we teach Rae to skate this summer? Because another year NOT going to Classic might be detrimental.

    p.s. I hated Couples Skate

  13. From what I've read in your blogs (and I love what I read between the blogs--thanks for posting the links), you have no need to stress.

    Just keep doing what you're doing.

    And remember to breathe.

    She'll be ready--it sounds like she already is. And you'll be ready. And it's all going to be great. Really.

  14. Jen, that is so cute. I love that I can see them all now in my mind when I read the stories.

    I can't wait to hear the story for next year. :-) Congratualations for surviving Chucke Cheeses!

  15. When I took her shopping, she headed straight for the hoochie-wear, and we determined that she could get a halter-dress IF she wore a cute shirt under it at all times. In the dressing room she asked if she could see what it looked like if it didn't have a shirt on under, and I consented, as long as she never did it outside of hte dressing room. Her eyes got really wide and she giggled nervously and said "Sister Galan, when I wear immodest clothes it feels like I have to, you know, go potty." I told her to hold it and not wear immodest clothes.
    SO--to sum up, just tell her that the Holy Ghost is the thing that makes her pee, and she will avoid all things titilating. Between that and telling Ems that Tampons were "bandaids for my Bunna" my job messing with your kids is done for the next quarter...

    Also, I saw two 8-year-old girls fixing their side-ponies in the bathroom at Chuckee's. SIDE PONIES!!!

    Also--when the verification word is more than 4 letters I just hit enter to get a new word. Is it possible for me to be any lazier?

  16. carina - yes, let's. shall you instruct? ("The next skate is for Jammers only...")

    anonymous - whooooo are yoooou?

    lyle - Is it because you're new there and just don't know as many people? 10 & 8 seem to be ages when they would understand the 'fewer people' factor. Disappointing as that MAY (or may not) be for them, the fewer people, the cooler things there are to be done. For instance, if my daughter had only a handful to invite, we'd probably do something like go to Color Me Mine and paint pottery, something I'd NEVER be able to afford with the 20-some kids that inevitably get invited. Have you asked them what they'd like to do? The fewer people thing could be enticing to do more interesting things.

  17. ~j- Thanks for the imput.

  18. My oldest will be 8 this fall. She keeps telling me she doesn't know if the church is true and she's not sure she wants to get baptized. Yah - I'm a little freaked out. No one warned me about this part of motherhood!


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