Thursday, July 06, 2006

mama saw the doctor and the doctor said...

..."Your glucose level is just a little
high. Your iron is normal, and
your weight is the same as the last visit.
What this tells me is that your
body isn't handling sweets too well during
pregnancy. You can go in for a
three-hour screening, which comes back normal
9 times out of 10. You don't
have to eliminate sweets completely, but be


Try telling that to the baby inside me who wants a milkshake
every single night.


  1. Another "joy" of pregnancy. My wife has had the orange drink test a time or two. With one pregnancy she had to watch how many sweets she took in.

  2. That's what happened with me this time, too! (Except for the weight gain part - um, yeah....) My screening was 139 and my dr. said that she doesn't require it unless it is 140 or more, although a lot of drs. do if it is over 130. I've never been high before - not even close. Like with Jaxon I was 69, so I don't know what's up with this one. Good luck!

  3. Milkshakes every night and your weight is the same as last month. Not fair - not fair!!

  4. Life is short.

    Pregnancy is only 9 months.

    Enjoy the milkshake! (Could be worse. My last baby wanted nothing but Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.)

  5. cabesh - yep.

    lyle - that's the test i took this morning. except this time it was red drink. I thought it would taste better. It didn't.

    tara - it's confusing, no? I'm at 144 and the nurse told me she likes to see it under 135, so it's not too far over, but still: what the?? Good luck with you, too. Maybe we can trade sugar-free recipes.

    jaimes - you are too kind, but let not your heart be troubled: when one starts out as being, shall we say, 'insulated', one's weight loss isn't necessarily a concern at this point, per se. And though the boy wants a milkshake he doesn't always get a milkshake, especially if his sisters are around. There comes a point when, even with a craving, you have to ask yourself, "Is it worth making/buying three more of these?" My answer is often NO, so I wait until they're asleep, or until I'm out shopping or somesuch. But waiting for them to fall asleep...sometimes I beat them to it and no milkshakes are to be had.

  6. cw - my last wanted nothing but Tony's Frozen Thin Crust Ghetto Cheese Pizza. I recently tried one, looked at the girl, and asked, "What were you thinking??!!?"

  7. Guille wanted only KFC. Gross. I was borderline as well. Did you have a bowl of cream of wheat with brown sugar and a huge glass of cocoa before you went in? 'Cause I sure did! What a surprise, my sugar levels were elevated.

    I did better at the orange test, but I ended up giving up sweets for the last few months to be on the safe side--starting on Halloween. I allowed myself one sweet treat a week. *sigh*

  8. When r u due Jenny? Did I miss that somewhere?
    I never had a weird glucose test but I understand having to give the baby what he/she wants. Tristan- Raisinettes Alec-Guacemole Isabel- McDonalds french fries Taj- tortillas from Jacintos and oranges Liv- chips from Chilis (Or maybe that was ME wanting them, because she's 5 months old now and I still want them, all the time...)

  9. suge - I actually did have ice cream the night before. Giving up treats at Halloween? Yikes.

    tori - About the same time as Tara. Like, within 4 days. Neat, huh?

  10. tori - also, Jayden's & Emma's birthdays are only 3 days apart (I think), but on different years, and Clara and Jaxon have the same birthday, just one year apart.

  11. Do you have a Clara? I am really thinking about that name.

  12. I do. Should you choose it, be prepared for a lifetime of: "It's not 'Claire', it's 'Clara'."

  13. And then Rae's bday is close to Tristan and Isabel's, right?

    That's how it is with Alec too. "It's not Alex, it's Alec."

  14. Then Clara's bday is the day they found Elizabeth Smart- only a different year. I just remember calling Tara in the hospital after she had Jaxon to tell her. I'm a dork. Sorry.

  15. Not a dork - I remember those kinds of things, too. The day Rae was born (yes, close to Tristan's & Isabel's...I think mine - the 7th - is very close to Tristan's) was the same day as the shooting at the Family History Library in SL. I only know that because the news interrupted me trying to watch The Price Is Right. (talk about a dork...)

  16. i remember the day rae was born too... that's all i'm saying.

  17. Yes, and miraculously you didn't witness any shootings.

  18. She should have.

  19. who's anonymous? and jenny, what kind of shootings do you speak of?

  20. Hey! Not to put a damper on things, but with the genetics involved--watch your glucose levels. It can cause BIG babies and you're already genetically doomed to be Type 2 Diabetic at some point. SORRY!

  21. beans - i don't know. i thought it was mom. i saw shootings that day on tv, remember? i'll talk to you about it sometime.

    ma - did you know that feline AIDS is the number one killer of domestic cats?

  22. hey debbie downer... i was a big baby. and now i'm a fatty boombaladdy thanks to mom's diabetes. listen to mom when she speaks of big babies.

  23. beans - that's the thing here: I don't have the diabetes. I just might. We'll see. Plus, my biggest baby has been 7 lbs. 11 oz., while mom's smallest was 8 lbs. 5 oz.. I know that if I get the gestational variety then that puts me at even greater risk for type 2 later (like I need an even greater risk), and I'm watching my sugar - I just don't like to be told to do so. I'm too prideful.

    Guess what else I learned? A few things that are risk factors to getting gestational diabetes:
    -being overweight prior to pregnancy
    -being over 25
    -family history of diabetes
    -previously giving birth to a stillborn baby

    Check, check, check, and check.

    And you're not a boombaladdy.

  24. i don't know what you're talking about with family history of diabetes. what's to be concerned about? you act like it runs rampant through both gene pools of our family... oh... wait...

  25. Does Erica know of Feline AIDS?


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