Sunday, July 16, 2006

viva chechu

**Disclaimer: I just finished writing this post and it is all over the place. Sorry. I don't know how else to put it all together.***

Once upon a time...

There was a girl named Cecilia who was a high school rotary foreign exchange student in my hometown. She spent her year at my alma mater the year after I graduated, 1995-'96, but I knew her because I had stayed home that year to work and decide what to make of myself. She was very friendly and it seemed she knew everyone. Everyone knew her by her nickname, Chechu.

I knew her host families, she ran cross country with my sister, we had similar social circles, we went boating together, you know how it goes. I just knew her. She's one of the kindest people I've ever met.

When she returned to Argentina, I didn't think I'd ever see her again.

I didn't know she was keeping in touch with Jeff.

Who's Jeff?


Jeff's mom and my dad were a thing for quite some time. Not that I knew Jeff well; I didn't. But that's how we're tied now.

I saw Jeff y Chechu in January when I went to NY for Debbie (Jeff's mom)'s funeral. I knew they had gotten married (see the beginnings of their lovey story here). I knew that Jeff was in the army and had heard that they were stationed at Ft. Irwin in California, which isn't really all that far from here. That's about all I knew. But we all chatted, you know, as much as can be expected at that sort of gathering.

Chechu and Jeff and some family were on vacation in Vegas in the spring of this year when she wasn't feeling well, so she went to a local hospital where she was diagnosed with Leukemia.

(That's the first time I've ever written the word Leukemia.)

It was pretty advanced, but treatment began immediately.

I don't know why I'm writing about this. It's just what I've been thinking about a lot these past few days.

She's doing well now, I understand.

Here's a website that has some information and shows some photos of Jeff & Chechu. She's very young and very vibrant and very beautiful.

This story will have a happy ending.


  1. My first brush with the L-word was when I heard the awful news that my new best friend who had just moved into our ward had just been told her one-year-old son had Leukemia. For years after I would ask my pediatrician to run a hematocrit at my babies' well-checks because I lived in fear. I don't want to be a downer, so I won't go into details, but my memories of their ordeal are still vividly floating around along with some of the 10 worst memories I have seared into my heart and mind.

    And I believe you already know about my second experience.

    I understand why you're thinking about it. It's heavy news.

    I still always hope for happy endings.

  2. I remember you telling me their story. I wish them the best.

  3. Wow, what a story. I just read their ENTIRE site. It scare's me to see stuff like that (but we are entering year two w/ my mother in law's very agressive breast I see it daily). She does seem so young, but that is the Lukemia works...right?

    Thanks for pointing this out.

    I didn't think this was all over the was just fine...

  4. What a neat webpage they have made. Sei has a co-worker who's son has been fighting leukemia for 2 1/2 years now. He's 5. :(

  5. Thanks for your kind words, all. It's scary how much this affects people. The older I get, the closer it comes...

    Tori - that's really sad. Is the family around here, I suppose?


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.