Wednesday, August 02, 2006

this town needs an enema

Well, it got one yesterday.

Check it out. Debra King, quoted in the article, is in my ward. The last photo in the article is the road we drive on to get to church.

We're all fine, thanks for asking. (And thank you, cjane, for including me in your post.) In fact, when the storm rolled through, I was at my dentist's office on the east side. I was reclined in a chair when I heard a dental assistant ask, "Is that thunder?" Li'l ~j. and Curly, finished with their exams, were playing hide-and-seek and called out, "Mommy! It's snowing!" Mocoface was being tended by my friend La Peartree, who, when I called to apologize for my appointment taking so long, was grateful I hadn't been out driving. Even the description she gave didn't justify what I saw when I drove in to the neighborhood: mature fruit trees completely uprooted and tipped over; younger trees in parking strips, completely snapped in half; vinyl siding completely torn off of one side of a house; two sections of our neighbors' vinyl fence completely taken out.

We had a little water on our floor. I'm not complaining.

We still, however, do not have power. Our refrigerator is hooked up to a generator which we're sharing with neighbors. We stayed at a hotel last night. We're told it will be at least 2 more days before our power is restored. (I'm not buying into the "one-to-two week" rumours.) It would be nice to be able to cook, but it's nicer to not have to pay thousands of dollars in repairs.

Li'l ~j., who is a natural worrier (where does she get that from?) always asks about natural distasters: "Could we ever get hit by a tsunami?" "When are we going to have an earthquake?" Now, when she asks, "Could a tornado ever hit Provo, Utah?", I'll have a new answer: It did; right in our backyard.

Here's to a blustery day!


  1. Enjoy your "campout." If you get tired of fast food let me know and you all can come to dinner at my house. (As long as you don't mind that it looks like a tornado hit inside.)

    Are any of you old enough to remember the microbursts about 12-13 years ago? I made the mistake of taking my two oldest out and about to survey the damage. We've even got great photos of them standing in the holes that had once been trees with great big tree roots towering over them. Of course for the next year every time the wind would blow they would come running into the house scared to death.

    I know, I'm a bad mom. But eventually they did get over it.

  2. Now is the time to eat your food storage salmon...

  3. Sorry about your power. I guess only the righteous have their power back already. So if you need to cool off, come on over! JK

    I have been blown away (pun intended) by all of the damage here. We were lucky, we lost two peaches off the tree and our globe willow (that we hate anyway) has split partway in half.

    Did you see the SUV by Walkers that got munched in half by a tree. As E would say... "Cool!"

  4. At least you're getting a glamorous vacation out of all of this....


  5. Sue, the SUV was owned by a man in our ward. You will be happy to know that they have decided to turn it into a jeep for Moad trips (when life hands you a lemon...)
    Also, I was talking to the hero in charge of clean up right after the storm he said that this storm made 94's microburst look like a breeze.
    Now that is some serious inside scoopage.

  6. Moad is the same thing as Moab just in a different language.

  7. I posted pics from my neighborhood on my blog and my story about how I'm a sucky mom who's kids were home alone... :( It was so unreal! I'm sorry you're without power. I think everyone east of 5th west had power within a couple of hours.

  8. ...I couldn't believe this was utah... glad you're all ok...

    why does "diverse places" keep ringing in my ears???


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.