Tuesday, August 08, 2006

time to play

Time for everyone's favorite game,


That's right, friends, it's time to give my baby a name.

When I said "everyone's favorite game", what I meant was "La Yen's favorite game", but that's not my point. My point is this: My upcoming arrival has a first name but no middle name. Your job is to submit suggestions. We (yen & I) still play this occasionally with Mocoface's name, even though she's almost 2 and a half years old.


~All of our kids' names have some sort of significance related to either relatives or other significant people in our lives.

~Uh...I guess that's really the only guideline, but that doesn't matter for this game because I received a text message not too long ago from you-know-who with this suggestion: Quinn Seabuiscuit Eckton.

Yes, friends, the boy's name is Quinn (it means 'fifth born').

But Quinn...what???


  1. How about Wesley or Weston. I think they sound good with Quinn and Q.W. would make for pretty unique initials!

  2. Cinco? Um...no. Just kidding.

    How about Quinn Kirk Eckton? Maybe not...too many "k" sounds all run together.

    My son says, "How about King Cute?"

  3. Quinn Alexander Eckton
    Darin Quinn Eckton

  4. Quinn Medicine Woman Eckton ... sorry - that's what popped in. ;-)

    Quinn Tanner
    Quinn Carter
    Quinn Thor ;-)

    I am doo doo when it comes to Boy names. ;-)

  5. You probably shouldn't use any middle name starting with a T because of the initials. Q-T? Not for a boy. Even if he does have cute feet.

  6. What is Darren's middle name? I also like Tara's suggestion of Darren Quinn Eckton. Two of shiny shoes boys go by their middle names and I think it pretty cool.

    Or you could use my word verification name today "navsi".

  7. Quinn Alvin Simon Theodore

    Quinn Thundercat

    Quinn Voltron

    Quinn Maximus


    Quinn David
    Quinn Edward
    Quinn Christopher

  8. Quinn Anthony
    Quinn Nathaniel
    Quinn tin Tarantino...
    I like Darin Quinn.

  9. Quinn Siniera
    Quinn Tuplet

  10. Quinn Leia
    [lay ee ah]

    Hawaiian meaning - Child of Heaven

  11. Quinn Okalani
    [oh kah lah nee]

    Hawaiian meaning - From Heaven

  12. if you wanna keep it in the family... i say, quinn dick. and you can't use darin's middle name, because that's your oldest daughter's first name already. how about?? :

    quinn lee
    quinn mcchickanichol
    quinn slusser (maiden names are in right?)
    quinn david is a good one
    quinn calvin ... that one's for rae
    quinn patrick
    quinn bunsies after gramama

  13. Quinn Clark Eckton.

    or the word varification this go round: eggum

  14. Wow! Such a response! A few thoughts...

    Yes, as Beans said, Darin's middle name is currently being used as the first name of our oldest daughter, so that's out.

    Scarlett, did I tell you that I've thought Quinn Tanner from the beginning? Although you've inspired me to consider Quinn Scarlett. tee hee.

    I really like Darin Quinn, going by the middle name. (Has no one mentioned the initials DQ?) We don't want a junior, per se, but that would be a good way of going about it. Plus, the Quinn whom the boy will be named after goes by Quinn, yet it is his middle name.

    Quinn Siniera - nice. That would fit our bilingual household nicely.

    Quinn McChickanichol - How did I know that was coming?

    I also kind of like Quinn David and Quinn Christopher.

    A dear friend of mine considered Quinn or Wes. Good call, Julie.

    But how, oh how could I go wrong with Quinn Voltron?

    This is fun. Keep 'em coming.

  15. Quinn Asher
    Quinn Phinnaeus (Quinn Phinn for short)
    Quinn Tintin (oh, no T)
    Quinn Equa (rhymes with Shanequa)
    Quinn Seajones (or initial C)
    Quinn Shin (he'd be great at soccor or mildly Chinese)
    Quinn Cinco (liked that suggestion)
    Quinn Duck (a guy in my ward is Donald Duck - seriously, no joke)
    Quinn Centennial
    Quinn Bob Squarepants
    Quinn Bingles
    Quinn Charles esq.
    Quinn Shannon
    Quinn Potatoes
    Quinn Dindin
    Quinn Wassale
    Quinn Peasokay
    Quinn Lichtenstein
    Quinn Jennyfivetina
    Quinn Skywalker
    Quinn General
    Quinn Superman

    I could come up with more, but should I? ;o)

  16. Shannon, I can't breathe. You never, ever disappoint.

  17. Oh, My favorite game ever. I have been holding them in for MONTHS!!!

    Qunin McChickanichols is my favorite, then Darin Quinn.

    Quinn Phinneaus
    Quinn Handy Smurf
    Quinn Balto
    Quinn Waldo
    Quinn Multi Ethinic Student Department
    Quinn Derella
    Quinn Raven Symone (That's So Quinn!)
    Quinn Mo Feen Jo Jo
    Quinn Quan Do
    Quinn La Kay
    Quinn La Velle
    Quinn Kolipoki
    Quinn Kwanzmukkah
    Quinn Jane
    Quinn go Pee Pee in your Coke
    Quinn Consin
    Quinn Kwan Dinn Dawn
    Quinn Jon BonJovi. (I know I suggested that for Mocoface, too.)
    Quinn Duhllah (Like he is on Coffee Talk)
    Quinn Hinckley
    Quinn Uncle Jeff
    Quinn Jemimah

    pss Old Navy On Line has a new "rock star" collection

  18. Quinn Skeletor

    If Norah was a boy she would have been Quinn....I love love love that name and it totally fits w/ your other kids names.....


  19. Robin - Welcome! I recognize you from Tori's blog. And sorry for not giving you the props where they were deserved (above) -- blame my pregnant mind!

    yen - another laugh-out-loud list. I don't think I should use Quinn go Pee Pee in Your Coke, because that's probably on the Noonans' short list for if they ever have a boy. I like Quinn Mo Feen Jo Jo. And Quinn Tio Jeff.

    Bek - I was at a concert with Azucar tonight and I totally mentioned Quinn Skeletor! By the power of greyskull! I'm glad to know that you and I think alike.

  20. My choice is Quinn the Eskimo-- that from a song from back in the 60's. Or how about :


  21. Here is mine:
    Quinn Anthony
    It came to me in a dream last night.

  22. I didn't have a chance to properly read the other lists last night....Shanon and Yen...good ones.

    You could follow in the grand tradition of the early US settlers (and slaves) by picking a first name you like, then sneak in an ENTIRE other name of someone else, then the last name. Like in our case, Derek wanted Jacob to be Jacob John Elway Bingham. :-)

    Quinn John Stewart
    Quinn Madonna, etc.


  23. Quinn Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt?

  24. I am dying of laughter right now. Where were all you guys when my child was born?

  25. OK, so all my witty ideas have already been taken. I never was one for original thought.

    I'm hooked on Quinn Tanner (which I almost spelled Quinn Tannah) in spite of the Q.T. initials.

    In any case, I'm getting excited for you!

  26. Quinn T. Sential

    Okay, so really, I like Darin Quinn.

  27. Quinn Burger
    Quinn Meatloaf
    Quinn Quiznos (maybe you can get an endorsement)

    Quinn Patata
    Quinn Thhhbbbesst (easy for at least one family member to pronounce)

  28. A girl in my ward is named Queen Versace. They could get married.

  29. yen - did you know Kuulei has a brother named Quinn?

  30. Tarquin Fintimlinbinwhinbimlim Bus Stop Poontang Poontang Ole

    Quinn for short

  31. Wait, am I allowed to play?

  32. Quinn Beavers...

  33. Doesn't Poontang mean vagina? I wouldn't give my boy a female body part name. But that's just me.

  34. I had a dream last night about this game. I can't remember what name came up, but it was pretty bizzare.

    Quinn C. might work, if you want the kid to be known as tonsillitis the rest of his life.

  35. As inspired by one of my favorite sites ever,

    Quinn Baloo
    Quinn Benteen
    Quinn Bervick
    Quinn Bonner (that's BAUNer, you can say for the rest of his life.)
    Quinn Boylynn
    Quinn Zock
    Quinn Cashley
    Quinn Cheston
    Quinn Cist
    Quinn Chud
    Quinn Dartanyon (NOT a misspelling)
    Quinn Fondd
    Quin Fisc
    Quinn Garph

    I can't stop...

    Quinn Jontey
    Quinn LaRue
    Quinn Larvin
    Quinn Leatus

    I have to stop.

  36. Returning home from a wedding in Salt Lake today I thought of this... La Quinn Ta Eckton. You might get a discount.

  37. Shannon brings up a good point (well, about the hotel discount, too), which reminds me that I should explain that name I put there. It's from an old Monty Python skit about silly names in an election. That name was always my favorite and I'd say it, only instead of the 'Poontang Poontang' (emphasis on the tang), I'd say "Fih-Tang Fih-Tang' because it sounded the exact same (what with the accent and the speed with which the woman said the name). And, as has been noted, Poontang is slang for vagina. The gist of the sketch was that the level of silliness of the name indicated their party; Alan Jones, for instance, was part of the Sensible Party; Kevin Phillips Bong, Slightly Silly; and Tarquin...Silly. There was also the Very Silly Party, but I can't write that name here, you'd have to hear it.

    Azucar - did you say Chudd?

  38. I have no idea what to say...all the good names have been taken thus far - especially liked Quinn Kikuchi...nice one Jen.

    I looked up "Darin" and it said that it was of Celtic/Gaelic origin and that it means "Precious Present". So if you go with Darin Quinn Eckton - which I really like - his name would basically mean Precious Gift - the Fifth Born - I think that covers who he is right?

    I love you J!

  39. Jen...great reference to The Final Rip Off...if I had had an iPod in college that would have been on it. I snorted when I read that....good one.

    Carina...you are good at this, but now we all know WHY!!! We love the Utah Baby Namer...best website EVER.

  40. Ok, I read through those fast but I don't think anyone said

    Quinn Cinco

    If that doesn't say a bi-lingual home, I don't know what does!!!

  41. Okay, about Darin Quinn... While it is a good name, not only will the initials be DQ, but Darin Quinn isn't far off from Dairy Queen in pronunciation. Do you really want your boy to go through that?

    Now on to serious business:

    Someone said Tarquin, but I say Quinn Tar. It sounds spacesuperheroey.
    Quinn Barry
    Quinn Moose Tracks
    Quinn Ball
    Quinn Twitty
    Quinn Fabulous (Okay, maybe not, but it sounds fun.)
    Quinn Dwight Schrute
    Shoelaces Quinn
    Quinn Tron
    Quinn O'Shea
    Quinn LeRoy
    Quinn Grayson
    Quinn Rex
    Quinn Phillip
    Quinn Extra Smooth
    Quinn Lite
    Quinn Impressario
    Quinn Logan
    Quinn Latifah
    Quinn Latimer
    Quinn Quinniferous
    Quinn Quinn
    Quinn Bugs Bunny
    Quinn Tervention
    Quinn Essence
    Quinn Papidopulous
    Quinn Wolverine

  42. Ooooh, Carrie. Such a fine, fine list. I particularly enjoy Quinn Dwight Schrute (Quinn K. Schrute?), Quinn Moose Tracks (Russell's brand only, please), Quinn Ball (sure to be the girls' favorite game), and Quinn Latifah.

    Yesterday at church, my friend leaned over and whispered, "Quinn talope." That was from her daughter.

    Also, my brother has contributed "Quinn Lose or Draw."

  43. Because I really really really want to be comment number 50 and because I can't resist this one any longer:

    Quinn Set Hut

    And, to qualify for the "significant" part:

    Quinn Carina Cake


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.