Friday, September 08, 2006

from the home office in wahoo, nebraska

Once Warren Jeffs was captured, he was replaced on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List by Bucky Phillips, who was captured today in Akeley, PA, in the woods at a golf course where I once had dinner before a prom. Read here.

Why do I feel like I have too many connections to this FBI list? I mean, not personal connections, but, you know?


  1. Is it you, or is it Jamestown? I meant, seriously, who doesn't know someone from Jamestown?

    (even psycho killers)

  2. I don't know...who'd they pick to replace Bucky? (Can I just say it's really hard to take a guy named Bucky too seriously as a Ten Most Wanted kind of guy.)

    Unless he was your former prom date I'd guess you're probably OK.

  3. I thought that was who you went to the prom with.

  4. Who else on the 10 most wanted list has some sort of meta-physical tie to you?

  5. cw~
    nobody took bucky that seriously in the beginning. before i moved, the county had all sorts of fun "bucky" memorabilia (ie: one restauarant created the bucky burger. you could only get it to go) it was quite entertaining for a minute... or two. but then that came to a screeching halt last thursday when he shot 2 state troopers and one died 3 days later. it was after that that he dropped the "y" and just went by "buck". kind of like, "i killed somebody, so now i can do what i want. drop the y".

    as i was glued to my tv set watching the chase yesterday, i know alot of the people from jamestown. what's the biet is that they always pick jamestown's finest to make the comments on national television... "what i seen was i seen this guy and he was walking at me..." or "why is everyone picking on him like he's some bad guy?" fun stuff.

  6. Hey, it's my state. . .in your blog!! Wahoo is actually only about 20 minutes away from me. . .except I always want to say it like the Yahoo commercial. . .WaHOOOOOO OO OO.

  7. OK I am glad that I won't have helicopters with search lights flying over the house at 2: am, but I am kind of ticked that my tax dollars will continue to support him. It was strange to see so MANY people I know on CNN. I'm glad its over, it was just a little too close for comfort. So close that I haven't even heard any Bucky jokes yet.

  8. hey mom... how bout this one... ready?


    ...the state police finally bagged their buck and hunting season hasn't even started yet!!!

    HA! get it?? get it??

  9. wow....that is strange when you see your life as the backdrop of a CNN breaking news story.

    How goes it for our favorite pregnant lady? How is school for everyone? ARe you getting any rest?


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.