Saturday, September 16, 2006

went to the mall today...


  1. Jenny, You Look Great!!! I love the belly!

  2. ...and your hair fell down.



  3. Yeah!! You look like one of those ladies that swallowed a basketball. I bet from the back you can't tell you are pregnant...

    So CUTE!!!!!!

  4. sarah -- thank you! where's YOUR blog???

    luckyred - I'm pretty sure that I put my hair up before I exited the store. When it's down it's all crazy frizzy and gets in my way.

    bek - you're nice. I've honestly only ever seen ONE PERSON in my life that truly looks not pregnant from behind and then when she turned around -- BOOM! That was my sister-in-law. I'm just hoping that I look different after the baby is born because you never know...

    geo - thanks! so nice to hear from you!

  5. You make me sick, you cute pregnant lady! I am so not one of those. Did I mention I was measuring 40 WEEKS at my 36 week appointment? That I only have one pair of shoes (flip flops, mind you) that fit? That I only have one pair of maternity pants and a handful of shirts that still fit me? Yeah, use your imagination. Ugh. YOU LOOK GREAT.

  6. I'm looking a lot like you right about now, 'cept my chest is flatter. I'm due this coming Friday/Saturday. Are you about the same time? Race you.

  7. i get rare glimpses of pregnancy that makes me think i want to do it again, and this is one of them.

  8. Oh, Tara...You're always so cute any way, I only get to be cute when I have a legitimate excuse for the extra weight. tee hee. Hang in there, Tara, it will be over so soon...

    Emily -- you're on...but you'll win. I'm having the baby in about 3 weeks or so.

    Tiff - I take that as a compliment, and I say to you: dooooo it!

  9. Ouch. You make my Bunna hurt. (Because I think about the stretching and such, not because I like you like you.)

  10. You have my phone! Dontcha just love the pink razor... so I'm silly - I feel pretty everytime I talk on it.

    Love the belly shot!

  11. Jenny, is it okay to be a sexy momma pregnant lady...look at you - I love the pants!


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.