Sunday, September 10, 2006

you had ONE job to do

Dear BYU camera crew,

Thanks for that shot of the audience when President Monson was presumably showing us all how he can wiggle his ears without touching them with his hands. Good job. Lots of people in the Marriott Center got a good laugh.



  1. He really cut loose today in our session. But no ear tricks, phoo.

  2. He was pretty funny and off the cuff, but I too missed the wiggling of the ears.

    I guess the early bird doesn't always get the worm.

  3. I almost forgot to tell you.

    You know how I mentioned I've been trying not to worry about flying (except for the snakes) but that every day for the past 3 1/2 weeks there has been some story in the news...

    So yesterday I'm thinking I'm fairly safe, just minding my business and going to Stake Conference and all.

    We didn't get any ear wiggling, but we did get Monson's story--in detail--about a messy landing. You know, the kind in which the plane bounces off the runway the first time and the pilot says something like, "I think I'll try to land the plane now."

    Just what I needed.

  4. 9am! Plane landing story was the 9am. My parents were at the 1pm.

    We had fun comparing notes over dinner. "Did he tell the frog story at yours?" "No, did he tell you about the fighting Swiss brethern?"

    We ended up at the HFAC, De Jong concert hall.

  5. I heard about that one, but we got the 9am talk with no ear wiggling.

    I can wiggle my ears.

  6. What the beegeebee's are you all talking about? Did I miss conference or something? I thought stake conference was the "get out of church free" day - should I have gone?

  7. luckyred - I'll assume you're, it's not a 'get out of church free' day, though lots of people treat it as such. It was the UC's Stake Conference Broadcast, originating from the BYU, broadcast to stake centers. Our stake was to attend the afternoon session (1:pm), but we opted to go to our church building so as to avoid the CRAZINESS that Darin experienced (no parking, crazy traffic, etc.) during Saturday's priesthood session. It was a great conference.

    Man, that President much different in conference than he is 'off the cuff', eh?

  8. I had been under the impression that it was just a regional thing, not a whole Valley thing, so we gamely headed down the block for the Marriot Center. So glad we asked a couple in the parking lot who told us they'd been directed to the HFAC because the Marriot Center was totally and completely full (wow.)

    I, too, love Stake Conference. I find that your chance of hearing benign blasphemy from the pulpit (as opposed to regular meetings) is far decreased. You actually get good "meat" from stake conference. Love it.

  9. Isn't there a scriptural prophecy about the latter days coming forth like an ear wiggle without hands?

  10. la yen- tee hee! snort!

    You just gotta love ear wiggling folk.

  11. I can wiggle my ear without my hands.

    ~J so much fun to have that experience with you on Sunday. We were equally irrevrent.

  12. Also,
    I keep saying that we must be doing pretty good in this region. He didn't call us to repentence, he just told us stories about frogs in mud balls (that he used to make with my great uncle Danny Larsen.)

  13. azucar - 'benign blasphemy'. My new favorite. I'm going to try to use that one on a regular basis.

    cjane - I thought for sure I'd be kicked out (with my brother) for bad behaviour. I was delightfully pleased with Curly's giggling at CK's funny faces.


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