Sunday, October 15, 2006

in all the world around me


  1. Seriously. You are an ocean. I wish I were there to be an ocean, too.

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Are you getting any sleep yet?

  3. He looks even better in person (that hair!).

  4. What a hunk! Good thing he's got lotsa' big sisters to watch out for him. ;)

    Seriously. Beautiful baby. He looks absolutely smoochy!

  5. My favorite is the HAM in the bottom picture.

  6. Congratulations! What a blessing.

  7. Cute pics! Wow- when did your kiddos get so big??

  8. They are so beautiful-- Curly looks like she is holding a doll, so precious. I can't wait to see all of you-- I am totally envious of Luckyredhen. And when I am there I can cook for you.

  9. He is beautiful and so are your girls! Contratulations!

  10. Awww, he's darling! And so are the girls. What a lucky mom you are! I hope you're getting sleep...

  11. Look out kiddo, it's gonna be dress up and lipstick on you REALLY soon!!

    They are ALL adorable!!

  12. What an adorable family! Your cup overfloweth, huh?

  13. Your son is so very beautiful. What did you decide on for his middle name?

  14. so so so so... CUTE... adorable... so sweet. CONGRATS!!! And... I dressed up my brothers in sun dresses and lip gloss... have fun with that Quinn. ;-)

  15. hello cute! your family is so darling.

  16. New babies are the best! Thanks for posting pictures--I've been waiting. Hopefully Rick and I can make it down sometime soon to see the newest Eckton. We're so happy for you!


  17. dear ~j.
    I don't know you, but I have a few connections to you.
    1. NieNie was in my sisters ward.
    2. Kayla is in my ward who is related to Brett n Annie.
    3. I became friends with Rick Galan my junior year of high school, and thanks to your blog...found him and his cute family.
    Anyway, I live in CT and enjoy checking in on your blog. Congratulations on your new baby!! All your kids are adorable.

  18. I may be out on a limb here, but I doubt very few women feel cute or photogenic after giving birth, but I must say that family shots with a newborn are always a delight. Congradualtions

  19. I feel it too, just looking at your world.

    I am so happy for you, and so overcome by all your Eckton beauties.

    See you soon with cigars!


  20. Jen--You look great and SKINNY!!! That is the best post baby picture I have ever seen.

    He looks like his sisters for SURE!! Congrats to the newest little man and all the big sisters.

    There were 5 of us girls in my family and then two boys at the end. My husband always says " your poor brothers, they have 6 mothers.." Quin will have 4 mothers
    !! Lucky.

  21. Thanks, everyone, for the nice compliments. He is such a good baby, and the girls are such big helpers. I really am so blessed.

    emily -- middle name: Quinn. :) And that's what he goes by.

    melanie -- welcome! So nice to make connections in this incestuous little blog world.

    bek -- so nice. skinny. I think I've pulled one over on you. :)

  22. congratulations! you look beautiful!


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