Sunday, October 15, 2006

pop rocks and coke

When we lived at Wymount (BYU's married student housing), I was called to be the Compassionate Service Leader. This, in a place where babies are being born, like, every 5 or 6 minutes. There was a Chinese couple who moved in and they were expecting a baby. The girl's mom was coming from China to help out, and the mom was staying for a year. (Did you hear that? A YEAR.) I asked how many meals they'd like brought in from the ward (not that they knew what 'ward' meant) and they said a month. So guess what I did. I sent around a sign-up sheet and made phone calls. There were no problems, and meals were brought in for a month.

The End.


  1. Ummm....I could drop off some yummy hospital cafeteria food on my home from work if your ward comes up short....

  2. Nice beg. That cotton candy was really good by the way. I didn't bring you any cuz I knew that all that sugar would be bad for you. I took the bullet for you and this is the thanks? :(

  3. As it should be. Nobody knows what another person is going through when they have a new baby (even if they don't birth it out of their own body). Having a meal brought in sure takes off a little of the new baby in your home stress ;o) Ask and ye shall recieve. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

  4. Perhaps I should have prefaced this by saying that I am neither mad nor begging for food; in fact, I almost didn't post this for fear that people would get the wrong idea. I realize that this post might seem cryptic; but if I told the ENTIRE story, it would take too long and seem like whining.

    The title refers to what goes on in my head when I try to process the whole situation.

    Just enjoy it.

  5. Okay, I could stop by on my WAY home and TRADE you some "yummy" cafeteria food for....let's that a Reese's??

  6. How about if I just fill everyone in: what you've got pictured is what YOUR compassionate service leader brought to your house (coincidentally the same day you got home from the hospital.) It's not whining because you didn't say it. The Whine Police can take it up with me.

  7. After having Liv my family got 3 meals brought. Yes- three. So, by the time I was out of the hospital ONE meal was brought. I guess they figured I was home, so I could cook. It irked me.

  8. Are you kidding, Spanish Sugar? Please tell me you're kidding.

  9. Kiki-ums, I am not kidding. There were other things said by the CSL that I shall not repeat here, but it caused some rising up of friends and providing of meals for the unheard of feat of 7 days.

    Tori, if I'd known you at the time, I would have gone to bat for you as well. Sometimes people need a nice verbal boot to the head from people like me to keep toes on point. Happy to provide a service.

  10. We all need a Carina in our corner.

  11. You have got to be kidding me... how old is this CSL? 12??? What... we subsist on crap alone? That is ridiculous! I'm so glad you have a good support system with whip cracker AZUCAR to get you taken care of.

    And...I'm just lucky my parents are always cooking for me. Otherwise...I do have extra breast milk... hahah gross. Have not tasted my milk...and don't think I will. ;-)

  12. One time a proud mama brought us in brownies to thank us for taking care of her baby......that was great...'cept the ingredients included her BREASTMILK!! Maybe you don't want that stoooopid 12 year old CSL to bring or arrange any stinking dinners!

  13. I'm proud to be a card-carrying member of the Blog Ward Relief Society Compassionate Service Committee. Sister Shuge, I support you in your calling!

    ~j., are my cigars going to give you scary flashbacks to your load of crap food? I will bring you real food too. I promise.

  14. I'm so glad the friends are there to take care of you....wish I could help.

    When I had Crossley I got 4 meals because I had a c-section (I was told that otherwise it would have been 2). One was a straight from the freezer aisle pasta dish.....
    and I thought that was bad.:)

  15. cabesh - I feel bad that I didn't bring you a meal. See, I thought that when I sign up to bring meals, that I would be called upon (by phone) to do so. It's never happened. I should be more diligent in asking people directly if I could please bring them a meal. Lesson learned.

    I didn't have this as an issue when Mocoface was born because la yen was next door taking care of my family and me. *sigh*

  16. ~j- No regrets about helping with meals please..... I think the YW leaders get overlooked in helping with meals and being taken was all okay in the end (you know, I didn't stop going to church anything).

    Besides, you came to see me and the new little guy--that was great.:)


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.