Friday, November 24, 2006

thister thuthie thittin' on a thithle

All I want for Christmas...

~less stuff

~fewer things

~to have next year's trip to NY be paid for (FIVE plane rental hotel...)

~to sell the remainder of my MK product

~a few cds; because I have yet to make the leap into The New Millenium and get me an iPod

~a New Word A Day calender

~to learn how to change the strings on my guitar (Tio will get me this one)

~a clean house, a massage, a pedicure, a haircut

~world peace


  1. What I really want:
    A housekeeper
    Someone to Clean Sweep my house
    One new CD (new Spektor)
    And maybe, just maybe, one of these.

    I like your pedicure, massage, and haircut idea uh-lot.

  2. I'm with Azucar on the Clean Sweep.

    I'm with you on the pedicure and world peace.

    I also want a laptop and wireless so I can blog without having to kick off three or more kids from the computer...

  3. Can't help you with the world peace, but I could give you some whirled peas if you're interested.

    Less stuff sounds really good right now.

    The massage is doable. I have a massage chair that's awesome (just ask Lorien), but I've also been told I give a pretty good back massage. And my hands are free.

  4. I want stuff. But only PARTICULAR stuff --- EXACTLY what I want --- like from my list --- that I seem to have misplaced.

  5. What? No Red Ryder BB gun?? Are you feeling alright??

    What kinda MK stuff do you have left?

  6. azu'car - I like that cone thing, but I didn't see it in red. Do they have it in red?

    cw - oooohh, a laptop. That would be a great gift for you!

    julie - you're so punny.

    lucky - are you going to post your list?

    wendy - My favorite part of the description of the BB gun is when the teacher is reading the theme and says, "...and this thing which tells time." Right. MK's all very, very random. Mostly foundations, some moisturizers, and LOTSANDLOTSANDLOTS of lipsticks.

  7. What color is "lot sand lot"?

    Glad you mentioned world peace. I was getting nervous. I myself am asking for whirled peas this year.

  8. Beware of the whirled peas

  9. What about harsher sentences for parole violators? ;-)

  10. I want (and I'll go ahead and speak for Nie Nie as well) a house to put my stuff.

    Oh, and maybe the spa day too.

  11. I propose a SWAP MEET at my house: everyone bring their "junk" that's too good to throw away, and we all go through it and trade and throw away the leftovers. What do you think? We could get rid of junk, and maybe find a prize!

    Am I crazy?

  12. You are NOT crazy and I have a big bag of toys with someone's name on it that says so.

  13. Man, that junk swap sounds good.

    I also wish for perfectly capabale women to stop wearing slippers out to the store.

  14. If the MK lipstick is involved, I have no doubt that LVC will walk away with almost all of it. . .

  15. That sounds like a really good idea. Maybe a new year's cleanse?

  16. Wearing slippers to the store sounds nice. I might try that.

  17. Better than the other cleanse that people do to kick off their diet.

  18. how bout the girl i saw at the post office that wasn't wearing slippers, but instead she was wearing athletic socks. that's right. just athletic socks. and rollers in her hair. i love florida.

  19. Since moving to the OC, I've seen 2 girls in line at the bank wearing nothing but bikinis and flip flops. You'd think they could have at least thrown on shorts and a t-shirt, but no. Just a bikini. And big sunglasses.

  20. Hey, the sunglasses make sense. If I were them, I wouldn't want anyone to notice me either.

  21. We do a swap with our ward...once in October for mostly Toys and house stuff (but some clothes) and the other in April for clothes (but house stuff gets in there too....). It is AWESOME!! You should do it. Everything that is left gets taken directly to Goodwill (or better yet, call a local womens shelter and give it to them...they are happy to have womens/kids stuff....).

    I like your list J...

  22. So is your Mary Kay business going out of business?


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