Saturday, November 11, 2006

walkin' around with my boots full of rocks

When a recipe calls for cooked chicken, how do you prepare it? And do you use fresh? Frozen? What?

Also, who would play YOU in the Lifetime Made For TV Movie About You? (I'm looking your way, Bemmalyn...)


  1. I always put chicken breasts in the crock pot on high for 3 or 4 hours with a bit of season salt or boullion (sp?) and water. Then it's easy to cut up and get all the gross stuff off it after it's cooked. I NEVER boil it because I think that is the sickest flavor. I'm sure Azucar will have something to say about this...

  2. Hmm what?

    I will often use the rotisserie chicken from the day before. Sometimes if I make a roast chicken and we don't eat it all, I will freeze the pulled meat for this kind of recipe.

    If I have to cook a chicken to get cooked chicken, it's usually been frozen (I buy chicken breasts in bulk/on sale and repackage them into individual foil packets for easy portioning later.) I'll sear the chicken in a pan with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.

    I wish I had the time or foresight for MCP's version--I usually have 30 minutes to figure out what I'm doing for dinner and to make it. Sometimes, if the recipe calls for cooked chicken, I'll figure out a way to cook it into the middle of the existing recipe.

    Tina Fey

    or Cybill Shepherd

  3. I hate cooking raw meat. I usually make Steve do it. Is there a name for someone who won't eat meat unless someone else cooks it? (Besides "really weird.")

    I'm flattered you'd be interested in who I think should play me on Lifetime: Television for Women. You know how much I love that channel! Hmmm. I think I'd choose Jennifer Ehle. People have been nice enough to say I remind them of her. And can I request that my life be portrayed in 18th century clothing? I'm thinking my husband would look really good in a cape.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I picked up something nifty on KSL's website, which is easy and fairly quick and doesn't leave the meat too tough.

    Take a boat-load of fresh chicken breasts--or whatever you can find boneless (I guess you could use chicken with bones, but I prefer boneless). Put them in a big pan for which you have a lid. Cover the chicken with at least one inch of water. Do not salt--which apparently can toughen it up a bit. Bring to a rolling boil. Place the lid on the pan and remove from heat. Let sit, covered, for 15 minutes. Drain the hot water and quick-cool the chicken in ice water.

    At this point you can season it, cube it, shred it--whatever--then use what you need and freeze the rest. It's a great way to make enough for what you need now and put some aside halfway prepared for the next meal (which for at my house is Chinese Chicken Cabbage Salad, Chicken Noodle Soup, or Chicken Salad Sandwiches. If anyone has a great recipe for Chicken Enchiladas (not the sour cream kind, but the kind with the red sauce) I would love it!

    This method is also a great way to make hard-boiled eggs without sulfer-izing them. Just cut down the time to something like 5+ minutes (depends on the eggs, sometime).

  6. In answer to your other question:

    Kathy Bates

    Don't you think?

  7. After reading this and then reading Bemmalyn's blog about her name... I want to share:

    When I worked at the hospital and had to deal with patients of all types... I remember a lady... She sees my name tag and I get the oft asked "You aren't related to Coach Noonan are you?" And after smiling and asking which one since it could be my father or my grandfather, the lady says, "He was my son's gym teacher... blah blah blah... it's such a unique name. Noonan. But I don't know anyone in their right mind that would dare name their child Brandy. That must be tough." My response? ... "It's kind of like, who would name their child Evelyn? Right?" Yes, the patient's name was Evelyn.

    I like having a unique name too.

    And I don't know about the chicken.

    But how about Tori Spelling or Meredith Baxter Birney? Tiffani Amber Theissan? All listed are staples in Lifetime Movies.

  8. although Brandy really isn't THAT unique of a name

  9. Crock pot all the way. Also frozen chicken breasts cook up really fast.

    Lifetime movie...
    Something Weird is Going On: What Did Jan Say? The Michael Scott Story.

  10. Bjork?

    Louise Brooks?

    Johnny Depp?

    I'm sure Tim Burton would have to direct my film. Or maybe David Lynch.

  11. Chicken-depends on how much time I have, but usually cubed raw-then cooked in pan with oil and seasonings.

    Lifetime Movie-Alex Borstein or Ashley Judd depending on what my number is on the scale at that time.

  12. We always sear the chicken in a cast iron skillet after seasoning with salt, pepper, and a little cayenne. Then, finish the cooking in the oven (still in the cast iron skillet). We use the boneless, skinless chicken breasts from Costco because they come pre-portioned in convienent two packs.

    I pray there is never a Lifetime original movie about my life. That just means you are really screwed up or something horrific happened to you. Hallmark Hall of Fame, maybe.

  13. Ok, for real now. Me, my mom, and my seester played by Naomi, Wynonna, and Ashley.

  14. Frozen in the crock pot. I usually try to do a bunch at a time, then freeze into individual bags for use later in casseroles, etc...
    I don't know who should play me. Who do YOU think??

  15. Starring Dwight Schrute

    And NO I don't think Kathy Bates should play CW. CW is younger, prettier, and thinner than Kathy Bates.

  16. And ~j would be played by: Swoozie Kurtz.

  17. Oh, where'd the rest of my comment go? Dangit.

    For me Uma (kicks bootay) or Reese (brings in the crowd).

  18. Sue--you crack me up. That has to be one of my all-time favorite movie scenes EVER!


    Definitely Uma for you Lucky. You don't need Reese to bring in the crowd--you do that enough on your own already.

    Carrabba's anyone?

  19. Wow, I had never thought of the crock pot idea. What I usually do is get the frozen Chicken Tenders from Costco and boil them...but mcp's right, it tastes yucky. I used to get the frozen chicken breasts, but since the tenders are smaller they don't take as long to cook. And I'm really picky about my chicken; after it's cooked, I remove EVERY remnant of that rubbery vein-thing, as well as any meat that looks remotely vein-y, or even bloody. I end up with almost as much scrap as meat.

    I like hearing how other people prepare it. There are some great ideas here.

    As for the movie star friend David used to say, when we'd be with a group of people, "Okay, let's play 'who would play you in a movie', but you can't choose for yourself, other people have to choose for you. I'll go first. Jenny's Rosie Perez." Every time he'd say that. But whatever -- David is Biff from Back to the Future. ("What's it to you, Butthead?")

    I have a hard time choosing that for most people (sorry, Tori), but I like hearing others' suggestions. And, Azu'car's right; cw wouldn't be played by I'm-your-biggest-fan-Kathy Bates. geo -- Johnny Depp? Silly! sue - you & the judds...Silly!

    And Swoosie Kurtz? Really?

  20. I love doing chicken in the crockpot. It makes it nice and tender--easy to shred or cut up. Then you use what you want and freeze the rest. Yummy.

    I don't know enough about stars to pick someone to play me. People used to tell me I looked like Mrs. Keaton, the mother on that show with Michael J. Fox from years ago. (I'm such a geek--I can't even remember the name of the show.)

  21. Well it looks like the chicken cooking has been well thought out so I won't bother adding my own (pretty much the same as everyone else).

    However the second part of the question is intreguing. Normally I would say it would have to be Brad Pitt (we look a lot alike) however since the show would be on lifetime I'd problably end up being the bad guy so I'd probably end up being played by Steve Buscemi

  22. julie...Meridith Baxter Birney? From Family Ties? Who stars in EVERY Lifetime Movie? Sha-la-la-la!!!

    sue -- I love the Parker Posey! Do you mean she'd play me, or you?

    JOE!!! Long time no...anything. How was your wedding? Or...perhaps this isn't the forum for that sort of chat. Although, I'm sure others would like to know how your wedding was. Perhaps especially my seester, who herself will be getting married in the same place next June. I love the Steve Buscemi, far more than I love any Brad Pitt.

  23. I feel it's my duty as a Lifetime watcher to point out that Erika Eleniak is still up for grabs. Give her a chance, people. She has a long history on the Lifetime Movie Network, as well as amazingly expressive eyebrows.

  24. The Wedding was quite good. She showeded up and everything! The ceremony was held in my parents house (we were going to do the Spencer Hotel up in Chautauqua but the owner is a bat). It was small with just immediate family, a few aunts and uncles, and some close friends. We did dinner at the Ironstone (new banquet room) and the cake came from Say Cheesecake (website currently unavailable). It was quite nice.

  25. Chicken - depends on what it's intended use is, but I prefer crock pot for general use, braised, grilled or smoked if I've the time and the recipe needs it.

    We also buy the chicken breasts from costco.

    Tom Arnold. Yes, really. Don't ask.

  26. joe - beans's wedding will be at Chautauqua...the exact location eludes me. I'm glad it was so nice for you. Springtime is a great time for a wedding.

    jake - I'm not sure I even know what braised means. And I doubt I'll EVER smoke something (for cooking anyway...). (tee hee. I am so clever.) Sounds like you are quite the cooker (yes, that's an actual word; the kids I used to nanny told me I was the best cooker. Little did they know.).

  27. Erika Eleniak was on Celebrity Fit Club...
    Just thought I'd throw that out there.
    "Big gulps huh?.... Welp, see ya later." (What movie?)

  28. the hall of philosophy is the site o' the wedding. congrats joe.

  29. Dumb & Dumber. "Yeah! Killer boots, Man!"

    beans - Mom & Dave's wedding wasn't there, right? It was at...b-hall?

  30. mom & dave's ceremony was at hurlbut church with the reception at bellinger hall.

  31. Erika Eleniak--Expressive eybrows? Yeah, but WHERE are the tweezers?!?!!? I want to pluck that unibrow. My fingers are itching and everything.

    Meredith Baxter Birney would be the one, ~j. I hope I don't still look like her.

  32. ~J - braising means the food (in this case chicken) is first browned/seared in fat and then cooked well covered in a small amount of liquid. It's a long, slow wet process that produces wonderfully moist and tender results.

    My take is generally to sear the chicken in a bit of olive oil or butter in a cast iron skillet, and then either a) put some liquid (a cup or two or stock/wine or some combination thereof) into the pan, tightly cover it and roast slowly in the oven for several hours, or b) put it in the crock pot with the liquid and let is cook all day. Think about how grandma made her pot roast and chances are it was braised.

    The nice thing about braising is that you can buy cheaper cuts of beef, port, veal, poultry legs and thighs, or whatever and have a delicious inexpensive meal.

    Once upon a time I was a professional cooker, though I'm not sure that means I'm a good one anymore.

  33. Oh - and smoked? Very clever, but I have "no idea" what you're talking about there.


  34. Okay, Cover chicken with water & chicken broth (about half & half or more broth than water) bring to boil, then turn to simmer and cover-- cook til desired tenderness.
    As for the actress to play me-- too obviously Roseann!
    Joe-- is Say Cheesecake out of Fredonia?

  35. Nope it was out of Amherst, right on Sheridan Drive.

    3553 Sheridan Dr
    Amherst, NY 14226
    (716) 833-9858

    It was 2 different kinds of cheesecake (plain and marble) covered in a really nice fondant. This fondant was actually quite edible (tasty even!) I'll definatly post a pic up on my blog this weekend.

    I tried to do an update for my blog, but accidentially deleted it so I have to rewrite it.

  36. You all are making me hungry!!

  37. I would thaw my frozen chicken in the microwave and cook it in the George Forman grill.

    Funny you asked who would play me in a movie about me. I was trying to figure out if anyone even looked like me, but I decided that most actresses are quite attractive, so it wouldn't really matter who plays me. They wouldn't look like me. I would pick: Rachel Weiss or Natalie Portman, neither of whom look like me. Maybe Julia Stiles. Hee hee.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.