Sunday, December 17, 2006

giving lucky a run for her money

Li'l ~j. decided to embark on a photo shoot using my phone. The subject? Curly.


  1. Awesome! Who knew someone could exude so much coolness just sitting on the back of an automobile?

  2. I loved the T-ball shot. Your kids are awesome.

  3. Lil ~j rocks, but check out those poses! Curly can work that camera.

  4. I was gonna say the same thing as Azucar. Curly was workin' it!!

  5. Quick - lock 'em up - boys are coming. ;-) TOO CUTE.

  6. Soo cute. Did you know lil' ~j was doing this or was it her own initiative?

    One year I got E a cheap digital camera and let her go wild. She loved it.

  7. It was on her own. I wonder if she told Curly how to pose.

  8. i love these girls... i know what lil ~j is getting for her birthday... :)

    ps: new post coming soon if blogger will let me sign in.

  9. You KNOW she directed that whole thing. Although the cute umbrella may have been curly's idea.

  10. She did tell Curly how to pose, I listened to the whole thing. She would say things like "okay, now you lean on that... now move your head, okay". I was impressed. I should have had her take Ellie's picture too.

  11. I love it. You have a new hobby for both of them!! Those girls are so fun. :-)

    Happy Christmas.


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