Friday, December 15, 2006

like i'm a four year old

The other night I went to Thanksgiving Point to buy a CD from the morning radio show people who knows me by my alias, Molly Mormon. I enjoyed a wicked hot cup of cider as I sat down and chatted with them for awhile, or, more accurately, listened to Kerry talk about Star Trek and the like (he may as well have been speaking french because I don't understand all that stuff).

I came home and tried to comment on MY SISTER'S NEW BLOG, but couldn't because I needed to log into my google account?? What the heck does that mean? Is this a ploy by blogger to get me to update to that beta thingey? I don't think that blogger is difficult to use so I don't see the point in "upgrading" to an easier method. Can you explain it to me? Because I don't understand that.

I don't understand why Nicole Richie is even a celebrity. And Paris Hilton? I saw her get some award on tv, and upon accepting said award, she said, "I just wanna thank all my fans...". Fans? As in, they really enjoy all the work she does? I don't understand.

Papi went to the mall to get some shopping done -- for my step-brother's girlfriend (who he's been assigned to buy a gift for this year), and for himself (bday gift certificate at Deseret Book from la yen). He did not enjoy the crowded mall, which he knows that I love (I don't think he understands why, and frankly, I don't either).

I occasionally find myself driving and saying to myself, "I wonder what the temperature is in Cedar City. Or Moab. Or Pocatello." Thank goodness for 90.1 FM.


  1. I don't really get the whole "upgrade" thing either. I upgraded, but... I think it IS easier to edit your template and stuff... but I also had to redo all my links, etc... So.. I don't know. And now when I have to log in at someones comment thingy I've figured out I don't but, but I DO use my gmail password. Weird. Anyway...
    I don't get the whole Nicole Ritchie/Paris Hilton thing. I like Lionel Ritchie...

  2. I loathe the new blogger beta crap. It takes me forever to post a comment (but thanks for the tip tori:) I will try that)

    I loved hearing you laugh last night. I am so glad you have my same sick sense of humor.

  3. ditto on new blogger is easier to use (my photos are posting faster... and consistently without me wanting to throw my computer out the door) - posting wise...but making comments is a pain in the... donkey! (we've been watching Shrek 2 non-stop at our house). I can't stand Nicole and Paris - I mean honestly... they're poster girls for Narcissism...

  4. Commenting with the new Blogger upgrade: ARGHHHHHHHHH!

    Comcast phone service from whom I am experiencing my second phone outage in less than 50 days (the last one happened because they just randomly shut down my service for no reason and it lasted an entire week and cost me $100): ARGHHHHHHHH!

    Comcast customer service people who are so badly not the sharpest people in the manicure set that it took me 1 hour, at least 45 minutes@ 25 cents/minute on my "emergency" cell phone and four people--count them FOUR!--to find someone with enough mental capabilities to schedule a repair tech for this afternoon: ARGHHHHHHHH!

    The box of Haviland Thin Mints I just received from my neighbor on his way to take food and clothing to Mexico for Christmas--of which I have already consumed half even though they were supposed to be for my whole family: MMMMMMMMMMM!

    My message to the people: Just say No! to Blogger upgrade. Just say No! to Comcast--they may have a great offer, but they really know how to take the service out of "customer service." But embrace wholly and completely Haviland Thin Mints. They are divine!

  5. I am a late blogger and started out with Beta so know not the difference. But, for me it is still sooooooooo confusing and I just figured if I couldn't comment it was because the particular blog writer didn't want me to?

  6. So the last two comments I've made on people's blogs my identity has come up as Georgia. I like my name, but I'm used to being Geo here. I had some strange out of bloggy experience when I tried to figure out the source of this glitch. I wasn't allowed to log in with ANY password, etc. I shut things down and tried again, and now I'm back as Geo, but for how long?

    WHO AM I?

    I don't get it.

  7. Here's what I figured out: If you comment on someone else's blog that doesn't have beta yet (this one is always good) and you sign in with your regular blogger name, then you go to someone with beta blogger it will already show you logged in under your blogger name and you should be able to comment just fine.

    I have the misfortune of having chose the same user name for Blogger and for my gmail account, so now I'm stuck--I absolutely cannot sign in with my blogger account on the beta blogs. Who knew Blogger and Google were going to merge or join forces or whatever evil thing they have done to us here? I guess I should have. I mean who hasn't Google bought out yet?

  8. Blogger has been a Google company for almost four years now.

  9. Maybe you're thinking of YouTube??? That one was recently bought by Google.

  10. Compulsive: I, too, have the same usernames for gmail and blogger. It takes me to a screen where I have to log in with my gmail account sometimes. And sometimes it works just fine.

    My recommendation is also to not upgrade until you have to.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.