Tuesday, December 05, 2006

silver pool of light

I just wanted to put up a new post because I was sick of my sidebar being so far





at the bottom of the page. I think this might fix it.

How's everyone's December going? Mine is going...rather well...

...got some AWESOME family photos...

...go shopping ALL THE TIME...

...almost ready to SEND OUT THE CARDS...

...how about YOU???


  1. I'm dehydrated but don't want to drink too much water so late (10:18pm) for fear I'll have to wake in the middle of the night to pee and not get back to sleep. I DON'T have family photos, can't go shopping, won't be sending out Christmas cards this year and have a lot of work to do before the holiday hits. Thanks for asking.

  2. I'd like some family photos (wish they were as cute as yours.) I have some cards to send out but no letter yet. There's a package that I was supposed to send to my MIL for her birthday last Sunday. I think I like my new hair cut. I need to buy something for my SIL, but I'm practically out of ideas!

    And I can't stop STARTING craft projects at 10:30pm.
    (what is wrong with me?)

  3. I haven't really had a worse season in all my life, BUT I will have very cute pics of me & my girls by this next weekend -- and they better be cute, RED!! I refuse to write christmas cards this year because I don't know what to say. Although this season, my greatest accomplishment ever is teaching my 4-year old that Christmas is about Jesus realized when tonight she said 'Mommy, I asked Santa to bring Jesus presents for his birthday.' Amazing parenting skills!!

  4. I waltzed into work last Friday practically singing "Happy December!"

    Christmas inside was up the day after Thanksgiving and--I stole this phrase from someone else--it looks like Christmas threw up in my living room. And I LOVE it!

    Haven't bought a thing for Christmas for anyone yet, and I don't even care! Well, I did buy tickets to take the outlaws and the inlaws to the PHS Holiday Dinner next week (picture yourself sitting in the Provo Library Ballroom and experiencing two heavenly hours of surround-sound choral music while someone serves you dinner and takes away the dishes--unless of course you were one of the volunteers who decorated a table, in which case you get to pack up the dirty dishes and take them home to wash).

    I'm not doing cards and I'm not doing neighbor gifts but I did do festival of trees and I'm helping organize a bridal shower for someone I love who's getting married in about three weeks. And I'm mostly OK with that.

    And I have seven comp tickets to Saturday night's "A Christmas Carol" at Hale Center Theater. I'm really lovin' that!

    Maybe I am way too cheerful for someone whose house is as much of a wreck as mine and who hasn't got a thing done for Christmas, but 'tis the season!

  5. Doesn't it bug when your sidebar is at the bottom? I almost get obsessive about it. Glad it's all fixed. :)

  6. No inside Christmas up yet, but I think I have most of my shopping done.

    I love listening to the Christmas music, but my kids hate it when I sing along in the car. (Dang. I even have a decent voice, too. They have no appreciation for the arts, I tell ya.)

  7. Mine is whizzing past.... I am glad you are having a great month. I want to see the photos and the card....

    Great idea for a post..

  8. Thank you. The sidebar thing was beginning to trouble me. It was about time for an intervention.

    Christmas is coming? I better get going! I thought all those lights coming from your block was for a NASA satellite project.

  9. lucky - i think that's very organized of you to know yourself well enough to know that you shouldn't drink water if you don't want to get up in the middle of the night. I usually drink too much (CRACK!) and regret it in the form of heartburn.

    azu'car - LOVE your haircut.

    tiff - that's right, awesome parenting skills. Love that hippo song. I want to see your photos.

    cw - we went to a similar holiday dinner when Darin was teaching seminary in Spanish Fork. I didn't know what to expect, but it was SO NICE.

    tori - I think I was too obsessive about it, to the point where I couldn't think of what to blog about to get the wide post to go away. (did that make sense?)

    julie - which songs are you singing? do your kids sing along?

    bek - you'll be getting a card.

    cj - sweet.

    sue - *groan* I'm working on a post about this nonsense over here.

  10. I wanna see the new haircut!

  11. p.s. the stuff for stockings is now purchased. (Wal-Mart was practically dead last night--guess what I've been reading in the financial news is true already.)

    I have loved that on my two trips to Target this week and last night's trip to Wal-Mart I have seen huge groups of young people out playing Secret Santa for needy kids.

    I would've bought everything else--I really can do it in about a day--except my husband was with me. Everything was "I'll have to research this..." (Which is funny, because usually it's me doing my homework and him buying things at full price just because it's there.) He's also the one who will tell me--on about Dec. 20th--"What should I get for Aunt so-and-so, this so-and-so, and the teachers I work with."

    I need to stop enabling, I guess.

  12. I sing to anything I hear, if I know the words. The boys don't sing with me. They just tell me to stop.

  13. Excelente. Jooj has placed a flour sifter permanently next to the Nativity, with a donkey on top instead of the angel. I try to "fix" it, and she replaces it. Apparently we are giving the baby Jesus a flying donkey and some fluffy flour for his birthday.

  14. We just bought a cute little tree, I've made a Christmas CD of '40s music (the Andrew Sisters, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, etc.) that I listen to almost constantly, and I have another cold.

  15. do I get anything around here for knowing that silver pool of light is a KT Tunstall lyric. do I? do I?

  16. I'm so addicted to that song I can't stand it.

    cw - I went to wal*mart that very night. But that was a quick visit, not like my marathon the night before.

  17. Also, at this moment Chup is freaking ROCKING OUT to the re-make of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. The RE-MAKE.

    Hey now. Hey now. What's the matter with you. Girls just wanna have...fun now."

  18. I too sing to most anything that I know the words to; in my mind, under my breath if there's strangers near me, a little louder if their are people near me who can't see me(like the next aisle in a store,a dressing room,toilet stall),regular volume when it seems appropriate and full out when others are singing and at a deafening pitch when I am alone(you should have heard me sing along with the 4 tenors when they sang on Oprah!!),especially Christmas songs.

  19. I'm ready to send out cards too but so far I can't remember where I put them (last year).

    Singing a lot, dancing with my dog, cheating on my diet restrictions and paying for it and then doing it again, shopping for mistletoe . . . know where I can find some?


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.