Tuesday, January 16, 2007


There is a nasty rumour going around about this current month, something akin to it sucking (not my words -- my stake president told me not to use such cusses). I know that I'm often not up on the up and up, but this time I really feel out of it. I am loving this month and the things happening herein.

On New Year's Eve, I took a bath. (I usually take showers; in fact, I don't remember the last time I had taken a nice, enjoyable, by myself bath.) Doing this alone resulted in two resolutions: 1. take more baths, and 2. work on fitting better into the bathtub. I have taken approximately five baths since then, and mmmmmmm...bubbly. It's so relaxing, and it helps me to clear and organize my thoughts.

I've also been working on the fitting better into the tub. I've done at least a stitch of exercise each day, and I'm taking a swimming class at the local university which pays my mortgage (and likewise pays for the classes I take). It's a Beginner's class, which is silly since I used to swim on the swim team. However, that was a LONG time ago (did you all know that I'm going to turn thirty this year?). After the first class, and being told that we will learn such things as how to kick and do flipturns, I asked Chrystelle (her actual name -- I'm assuming on the spelling) if I should perhaps switch to the Intermediate class. She told me that I could IF there was room in the class (there's not), and that the people who take Intermediate swam on their high school swim teams, participate in triathalons, etc. WOAH! Back up -- there's a big gap between swim team and triathalon, I said. I mean, I never did a triathalon, but I did swim the butterfly on the ribbon-winning relay team. And then I realized that was about FIFTEEN YEARS AGO.

That I could so easily recall something and pin it on fifteen years ago made me anxious and excited. I have lots of goals and good feelings for this upcoming year. I plan on doing a lot of really exciting things, and I am already doing, or working towards, most of them. (Even if I'm learning kicking for the first two weeks of my class.) Why am I so excited? Is 30 really the new 21?

It's gonna be a great year. If you don't agree...it might help to go soak yourself.

Today's Yay: Hugh Laurie's and America Ferrera's acceptance speeches.
Today's Boo: My identity being stolen.


  1. Bravo to you!!! I used to soak myself all the time. I haven't since I moved. Maybe I should...

    Your identity being stolen?

  2. Good to see that the gloopy bug has not taken over the world yet. although identity theft surely could weaken the immunity system.

  3. I have taken to falling asleep in the tub. Woomby.
    And, I swear that future Jenny warned you about the theft. Or maybe it was the poisoned Dino Chicken Nuggets...

  4. Good for you J! 2007 will be great!

  5. I'm all about a good soak. My fav is to take in a good book. . .although the edges of the pages may get wet if you get a little sleepy like I do. . .

    30 is "fer REAL" the new 21! Actually make that 33 is the new 21!! That's me (and LVC) this year!!

    Be careful trying things that you could do 15 years ago. . .I went to a yoga class and did a backbend. . .I'm still paying for it.

  6. Great goals Jen.. I have to admit that I am a huge fan of the bath. It is one place that my kids can't actually (or want to) follow me. I love to read in the tub. :-)

    Yay for excercise. I am working on it too, not very dilligently, but working still.

    Identity being stolen? In what way? The big kind or the little kind? Let me know if you need any helpful hints. You might remember that Cubby's was stolen at birth and we spent an entire year unraveling the blah that followed. The good news is that you might have discovered it before we did his..... I am so sorry. It is just yuckky no matter how you look at it...

  7. Good onya for doing a stitch of exercise a day. I'm not.

    BTW: I don't like Word Verification.

  8. WHAT?? Identity... what happened???

    You crack me up... with the swimming. I've never properly learned to swim...I can however...do a mean doggie paddle/swim on my back if I'm in shallow water. I can snorkel...but that's cuz I have access to oxygen.

    AND... sommersaults terrify me now. Ring Around the Rosie... makes me dizzy after 3 spins. I found all this out playing with my 2 year old. Are you sure 30 is the new 20-something?? Or is it time for us to toss on some manolos and go to lunch?

  9. Identity theft? Must know the story behind that. I hope you can resolve it quickly.

    A bath sounds really good right now, except that my tub is too short for me to really relax in it. Exercise reduces girth, not height. And I really don't want to be any shorter than I am.

    I'm not with you on the swimming thing. I swim like a rock. I love to watch other people in the water, though. Happy Tuesday!

  10. thank you ~j. You gave me the attitude adjustment I needed. I am just going to DECIDE to have a great month, and make it happen. I talk myself out of getting sick all the time, why not talk myself INTO having a great month.

    Thanks for letting me share your bath on new year's. (ok, so it was only through text messenging)

    I literally think I would die if I couldn't take a bath every night.

    Stolen identity? We must hear more? I hope all is fixed now?

  11. Wouldn't it be nice if we all fit better in our tubs? Please teach me to swim.. I'd love to learn the Butterfly.. Maybe while our kids are doing their lessons, we can head over to the "deep end" for practice.

  12. I am not depressed this January because the weather has been so cool! That much snow--how could you be unhappy?

    It's been a month of good changes and has put me in a better mood to start this year.

    30, huh? There had better be a party.

  13. I meant to type "we must hear more!"

  14. Am anxious for "the rest of the story" on the ID theft. Sounds bad whatever it is.

    Glad your January doesn't suck. I'm not sure if I'm one of the sources of that rumor, but I know I've said that out loud about this January. I also know the reason my new year ain't so new yet is because I'm in a rut.

    So good on you for getting into a new groove!

    (I have been craving hot steamy baths of late, but we too have too short a tub. I'm almost ready to go check into a good hotel just to get me a decent bath.)

  15. Hey, Ya'll -- sorry I haven't been quicker in replying to your inquiries about the identity theft. I've been busy experiencing the effects of that new medication, Vomicillin.

    The theft story is something much more appropriate for a lunch, or a swap meet, or something like that -- it's not really blog fodder.

    We'll just have to get together to discuss. I'll most likely write about it when it's all taken care of.

  16. Have you got one of those gadgets that blocks off the overflow drain so you can have a really deep bath? Cheap at Bed Bath & Beyond.

    I'm glad you're having a happy year. VERY sorry about your id being stolen. That's horrible!

  17. Mmmm. A mystery. And a very good reason to get together soon.

    Question: You don't by chance, happen to shop at a certain retail outlet near Old Navy?


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.