Tuesday, January 02, 2007

memo to all staff

Mocoface, seen above (moves too fast to be caught on crappy cameraphone), will no longer be known as Mocoface (as mocos do not frequent her face as often anymore). She will now be known as Superstar, because, well, she is one. I mean, look at those after-bath curls. Plus, no more binky. She gets a BIG gold star for that one.

Today's Yay: Honoring President Ford.
Today's Boo: People who steal dogs.


  1. Bravo Superstar! No more binky. What a big girl.

    Who stole a dog?

  2. What a darling superstar and like all superstars, too much go, go, go...the title sets the pace.

  3. Kudos to Superstar! And I do love the curls...

  4. Just as bad: people who take down YOUR missing dog fliers but no one else's.

    Furioso, I tells ya.

  5. Yes, be patient, lotus blossoms...you'll learn the dog story soon.

  6. So, how'd you convince her to lose the bink? With my oldest two, we ended up giving them to santa (at the mall, even), so he could give them to the new babies.

  7. She kept biting holes in the binkies, and so the first step was that the bink got taken away each morning, and put by the phone in the kitchen; she was told that "binkies are for night-night" and if she wanted it, she had to be going to sleep to get it. Each night, she'd say good night to everyone, we'd brush teeth and say a prayer, and then she'd get her binky and go to sleep.

    One night, her binky had a big hole that she had munched out of it, so I threw it away and just told her that it was all gone and that there were no more. She cried a bit, but I just told her that she's a big girl and that binkies are for babies. The next night was a little bit hard, too, but she worked through it just fine, and that was that. She hasn't tried to take the baby's or anything.

    With Li'l ~j. it was a different story. She's such a determined girl; we had told her the same, that she could only have the binky if she was on her bed and that stinker would sit on her bed for hours, just so she could have it. We finally had her throw it in the dumpster at our (then) apartment building on her birthday (when she turned 3), made a big ceremony out of it, gave her a present, the whole nine. That night was pure weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, as well as the following four nights. Luckily, Curly never used a pacifier; I think that if she would have, Li'l ~j. would have constantly been taking it from her.

    It's such a different experience for each, just like their personalities.

  8. Ah....the binky wars. So many memories....

    I don't know if I can wait to find out who stole what dog.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.