Sunday, January 14, 2007

the world was such a wholesome place until...

I am not an animal lover. I'm barely an animal tolerator. But Nayvor's dogs were a-okay in my book.

You may know Nayvor as la yen. She and her W used to live right next door to me (though our relationship is more than used-to-be-neighbors) until Army dragged them off to North Mexico. They had a doggy, Rocky. I'll be honest, I don't even know what breed Rocky is. I know a Rocky-dog when I see it, and it may be a terrier-type, but I can't be certain. la yen decided that she needed a backup dog, so they got Porter (or, as my kids called him, Boyla). These were dogs I could deal with. Despite the constant humping of each other, I liked the dogs. I could even tell them apart. They were very obedient and were great with kids. I have framed pictures on my wall of Curly holding puppy Boyla. All was well with the nayvor doggies, who never wanted for more love from their owners.

The Nayvors went to Seattle (peeeeeeeeeeeeeeew-ah-lup) for Holiday, and they had a friendgirl from the ward come to their house each day to feed and play with Rocky & Porter. On the day the Nayvors were to return, Friendgirl went to the house as scheduled, fed the dogs, and played with them. When Nayvors returned that night, the dogs were gone. Theory is that they were just...taken from the backyard.

I just do not understand this situation. Stealing dogs? Right. Because they're on such short supply.

la yen tells me that this happens in The Pass all the time. She put up some Missing Dog Fliers on the mailbox (with all the other fliers), and when she went to the mailbox the next day, their fliers had been taken down; not ALL the fliers, just THEIR fliers. So you know the dogs are most likely in their neighborhood.

I'm not clear on the details, but a girl gave Rocky back to W. W then went and talked with the girl's family, who apparently collects animals, and gave them thirty dollars. I'm suspicious of this girl and her family.

Rocky is home and well and recovering from his trauma. Porter, on the other hand, is a subject of my daughters' daily prayers. "...And please bless Porter that he is safe and will come home soon..."

Today's Yay: Last week, li'l ~j. was her class's Student Of The Week.
Today's Boo: Superstar spent all day yesterday barfing.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Serio.
    Thank heavens MainDog is home--He was my first baby, you know.
    At least someone wants the backup--that is my only consolation.
    Poor out your 40 in his memory.

    PS Schnauzers.

  3. Seriously - who does this? What kind of people are they?? I'm beginning to think we need to save La Yen from scary EP.

    And... BRAVO to Lil ~j that is awesome. So sorry about Superstar - how's she doing and... how are you???

    my last word verification was much more entertaining...(dsexuutr) but I had re-login.

  4. What the heck??? I'm suspicious of that girl's family too...

  5. I have bad names picked out for the people who did this.

    One of my most favorite roomies at the BY was from "P-town", WA. That's all I know about P-town.

    word verification: futkte

    Sound it out. hee!

  6. La Yen, perhaps back up dog and Dutchess are somewhere playing around, free of any earthly inhibitions. Until we know for sure, I will keep Porter in my prayers.

  7. This makes me sad as they were a matched pair.

    I think Porter will turn up somehow. It's not like he looks like every other dog. They have to take him/let him outside sometime.

    That flier thing, though, that is ridiculous, en serio.

  8. la yen~
    i didn't have a 40, but at work, i dropped an ENTIRE NEW bottle of captain morgan on the floor. that's way better than spilling out of my foty.


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