Friday, February 09, 2007

can you stand on your head?

Last night was Li'l ~j.'s theatrical debut as she played four roles in her school's drama club production of Alice In Wonderland. I'm glad this was the show that they did, as it helped Li'l ~j. to realize that the character's name is Alice, not Allison.

I was extremely proud of her performance. She has been stressed out about wanting to quit: "It just takes away too much time from my family." I reminded her that she has to stick this out until after the performances, and then she can be done with it. But I also hope that she enjoys the rewarding feeling of performing. She did so well, and I really enjoyed it.

Add to that the fact that Curly and Superstar were paying attention to the show THE WHOLE TIME and were really in to it -- no having to take any one out because they were too loud -- and it was a very enjoyable evening. Towards the end, both girls asked if they could go home and go to bed (a kind of late night for them), but they were really great.

D wore Bubby in the baby bjorn carrier and they were great, too. Bubby had a bottle toward the end, and when Li'l ~j. came to give him a kiss after the show, he threw up on her.

So...I've been feeling sick and thinking that pizza is my enemy (all food, really), and that my digestive system hates me. Turns out my gallbladder is broken. So today I'm getting rid of it. Thanks to b. for the recommendation of a few surgeons, one of whom was available for a consult yesterday and who will be cutting me today. I've never had surgery before. But I'm not nervous because I'm looking forward to the relief this will hopefully bring. Gallbladder disease. Because I'm old.

...and the mome raths outgrabe...

Today's Yay: Removing my gallbladder so I can eat.
Today's Boo: Having surgery...


  1. you're going to be fine! i am just thrilled that you're going to eat again. and when people say you look different, you can say, "i had my gall bladder removed". i wish i could be there. i love you.

  2. Good luck on your gall bladder. I had mine done a couple years ago. It's a pretty easy deal. Just be glad we live when we do now. They used to open people up wide to get it out. Now, just a couple little holes. Easy greasy.

  3. Bravo Rae. Wonderful job. Watching her made the whole night worth it. Oh yeah, and hearing Superstar yell "white Rabbit" and "There's Wonderland" throughout. Loved it!

    I am glad you are getting your GB out, so you can feel better. Beto's on me soon!

  4. I thought that you said "having my gall bladder out so I can eat it."

    That would be AWESOME.

    Please call me with the Sedaris details on the production.

  5. What I meant to say at dinner, that I failed miserably to say was: "There are a few "f" factors to Gall Bladder disease....You have the Fertile part, I have the Fat and Forty parts!"
    YAYYY!!! For you getting into the preferred surgeon. Good Luck!

  6. With some fava beans and a nice chianti.

  7. My wife had to have her gall bladder removed. She had stones of such magnitude that any Texan would be proud of. We even got some cool pictures of them.

    She's much happier and less bothered by what she eats.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Yes the holes are smaller and less evassive, but my wife says it still hurts.

  8. Good luck with your surgery!!

  9. yikes, good luck. will your husband stay home and wait on you?? that would be nice. hope you recover quickly.

  10. NOT because you are old! Because you've been making babies. I know, it happened to me too when I was much younger.

    Good luck to you. Yay for Li'l j!

  11. NOT because you are old! Because you've been making babies. I know, it happened to me too when I was much younger.

    Good luck to you. Yay for Li'l j!

  12. Oh dear, I just read this. Hope everything went great, and here's to eating!

  13. YOOOOOWWWWZAAAAA. What happens now?? Do you have to watch what you eat?? What will the body do without the gall bladder?? What symptoms do you have?

  14. So much...I'll just write a new post.

  15. Oh my are you doing? Recovering well I hope. I'm curious about the gallbladder thing too... why? Are you going to be ok without it? How do you know you don't need it?

    The part about how bubby threw up ... that made me laugh. You should write sketch comedy too. heheh

    Thinking of you.

  16. Yikes. I hope it all went well. I haven't been able to get on to the internet for several days. (I hate my computer.)


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