Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Dear Dr. Anethesiologist's Office:

Enclosed you will find my second of three equal payments to pay off my debts for Dr. A.'s services last October. As per our conversation on the phone, the bill will be paid, in full, in three monthly, equal installments of $36.37. I noticed a disclaimer on the bottom of my most recent statement, however, informing me of your policy of only accepting payments of $50.00 or more and your request that my next payment be at least $50.00 and Thank you. Well. I, too, have a policy. My policy is that when I get an epidural to relieve my labor pains that I only be poked once, not four times, and that when the medicine takes effect, that I am numbed from my waist down rather than my waist up. You will take my $36.37 and you will like it, and you're lucky I don't sue your ass.


Today's Yay: Having my husband stay home from work today.
Today's Boo: Being sick.


  1. I would call up their office and ask them why I was paying the bill in the first place, you know, considering. En serio. I really would. It's worth a shot (Ha.)

  2. I always love the one sided agreements like that. Medical companies are at the top of my least favorites when it comes to billing's never their fault and they can never charge too much money for shoddy service.

  3. i just like that you said ass. will you really send that to them? please?

  4. Next 3 payments need to be $3.67... "oh i'm sorry, i read the bill incorrectly."

  5. I totally would try Azucar's suggestion. Those bloody bastards. Or as a could poke them 4 times and just see what happens after they get the shoddy work done on them.

    Sorry you're sick! We just had the flu with my Kalea ...threw up like 10 times... awful. I hate it when kids get sick... but NEW mommy with NEW baby... the injustice.

  6. You are never going to heaven with that kind of language, young lady.

    Have Papi kiss your boo boo. That will keep him occupied...

  7. I think I had the same guy- except he did good. I just remember the $50 payments...
    Great letter. You should send it.

  8. You had to be poked FOUR times??? Oh my gosh, how did he explain that one away? I had to be poked 2 times but at least they did numb me from the hootchie down. I think you should send the letter too! Who do they think they are. Sorry about your sad tale. That's nice that hubby get's to stay home with you today, lucky girl.

  9. I hope you do send that letter! I sent one of those once, many years ago to the emergency room in Driggs, Idaho. The doctor failed to notice I had a broken leg, didn't clean out the wounds in my scalp or chin, and kept yelling at his daughter to get out of the ER. Unfortunately his daughter's name was the same as mine so I was totally freaked.
    I ended up having three surgeries on that broken leg because I tried to walk on it for two weeks because he said it was sprained and I kept causing more damage. Anyway, I sent a letter saying basically that you got my insurance's 80% and that ought to be sufficient.
    Oh boy! They sent a scathing letter that included all kinds of legal threats. Best of luck to you!!! I like Haley's suggestion :)

  10. Send the letter. I triple dog dare you.

  11. Being sick is especially no fun when you're a mom. Glad you got someone to take care of you. Feel better soon!

  12. la yen - *&^%^ ;-) (dang it all to friggin' hades)

  13. You said ass. he he he he (That was my beavis imitation)

    I would totally send it, along with a letter from your attorney (I can totally get a law degree off the internet).

    (Good luck tommorow)


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