Thursday, March 22, 2007

congratulations, universe. you win.

Since Bubby's birth I have essentially kept him in a cave to keep him away from the germs which cause RSV. My initial thought was to not go to church until May, but I brought him a few weeks ago. Weather turned pretty so we were in the clear, right?

Well, guess what.

Breathing treatments every four hours. We had the machine delivered tonight. I have to go give him a treatment now.

That's what I get for bragging about personal revelation...


  1. ohhh, j~...I'm sorry. I was worried when I read your comment on segullah. Sometimes personal revelation has many steps to it. I have a machine you can have if you need it...I have 2 extra machines actually, and a sat monitor if you need anything-please let me know.

  2. ~j...what? that sucks. so sorry for you and bubby. dang those germs!!

  3. RSV sucks rocks!!
    My son had RSV when he was 3 mo old. He caught it when I took him into the doctor for a well baby check. OHHHH the irony.
    Good luck with that. Poor little Bubby.......and mommy

  4. Yep, he's got it. Curly had it when she was 4 & 1/2 months old (during the olympics), but our then-doctor (Kook!) didn't offer the breathing treatment; instead, we made 5 trips to his office and 3 trips to the ER in one week. Since Bubby's bday is exactly two weeks after Curly's, I was trying to be careful about not letting him get it. To no avail.

    Thanks, b. I appreciate that -- I will get in touch with you if I need anything, really.

    And now I'm suspicious that Curly and Superstar have the big-kid version: bronchiolitis. Blech.

  5. I wish Bubby a speedy recovery.

  6. ...and the other two as well

  7. I'm so sorry. I had a son that had it also and it's not fun. Having multiple children sick at once -- not fun at all! I hope they all get well soon and that you can get some rest sometime soon also!

  8. I never even heard of RSV until I moved to Utah!? It seems way common up here.

    Anyway- I'm so sorry. That sucks.

    I remember people asking me if I was worried about RSV when I brought Livie out so early. (She was born in Jan.) but I guess ignorance is bliss. She never got it.

  9. You should sue the bishop.

  10. We are still in the thick of breathing treatments (on and off since october...) so I feel your pain. I am so, so sorry.

    Initially, the kids had bronchialitis and gave it to the baby, this time the baby gave it to the kids (they started caughing today...). is common in Utah, but it is common everywhere... we are in CA and the hospital was full of RSV babies when we were there....

    Poor Bubby..... so sorry.

  11. Yucky. Poor babe. I too don't do well with coughing RSV babies. Molly was mine at 3 weeks old. Bless that nebulizer. I pulled that thing out all the time. I liked when the DR. said, "you're a mom, you know when it's bad, just use it!"

    kisses to bubby (non-germy of course!!)

  12. I'm so sorry!! That is no fun at all. There is nothing worse than a sick tiny baby. If you have nothing better to do (that's a joke) go read my post dated 1-19-07, and you'll know I feel your pain.
    Sending the babe quiet night vibes, and calming ones to you. Hug!

  13. I'm so sorry... I and primary/nursery are petri dishes! Why don't people keep their grimy/green mucusy kids at home? We're all in this together... if you're sick...around sick...please just stay home - the Lord knows ... it's ok.

    praying for you to have healthy kids again!

  14. In honor of you J, I kept Lu home from school. She was just a TINY bit sick, but I don't want to send my germy kid out to spread the germs....

  15. um just let me know if you need me to pick you up anything at the big C while you are keeping bubs at home. (I'm there all the time)

  16. I like that you CALLED me to warn me about Guille--this is because you are a responsible parent and know we are all in this together.

    I'm sorry that he has to do treatments. He did seem in good spirits--happy bubby.

  17. Poor kiddo. I hope he and the others get better soon.

  18. Oh poor Bubby! I hope he gets well soon!

    I got your sweet sweet card by the way -thank you so much! That was so sweet of you! :)


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