Wednesday, April 04, 2007

livin' this week like it's shark week

I haven't put up a post in the past few days because my own personal shark week is in session. Here's a brief review:

~I got news that, as just one of my birthday gifts, my husband has arranged for me to sit in on my favorite morning radio show. I have to get there pretty early. Don't get too excited: in all probability I won't say a word on air, I just get to sit and watch them work their rated-in-Rolling-Stone-Magazine magic.

~I received a Fed-Ex package, which I rarely do. It was an unbelievably (or, completely believable, considering the source) wonderful and thoughtful gift from my favorite nayvor (wish you were here).

~My dad's flight yesterday was cancelled, but he'll be here today. His first time at our house.

~Cleaning ladies came yesterday. Aaaaahhhhhhh.

~I get a fancy lunch tomorrow. Fancy.

~Hiking the Y on the birthday morn. WAY early.

~Lots of other surprises yet to come. (Does that make them surprises?)

Today's Yay: Clean house & sunshine.
Today's Boo: The yucky thoughts that are trying to plague me -- not working, yucky thoughts! It's SHARK WEEK!!!


  1. NO WAY about the radio thing. Weren't we just talking about that? They are going to get Molly Mormon on the show? For shiggles. I am going to listen in.

    (What does shark week mean?)

  2. Wow!! That is so great. I am so happy for you.

    I will miss the shin-dig tomorrow, but can I schedule you right now for a week from Thursday for lunch, me and you? It will be my birthday treat to you....

    CAN"T WAIT to hear about all the special birthday suprises....

  3. I am totally listening on the interweb. And I wish I was there too, even though I would not have heard the humping monkeys if I had been there.

  4. cjane - YES, yes we were just talking about this? See? THE SECRET works!

    Have you ever seen Shark Week on The Discovery Channel? I think it's in August. Man, it's exciting! Thrilling! And on 30 Rock (a show which we should all be watching), Kenneth asked Tracy to give him some advice on life. One of his tidbits of advice: Live Every Week Like It's Shark Week. (another piece of advice was to work that va-jay-jay.)

    bek - you are ON for lunch! Thanks! I can't wait to see you!

    yen - the sound alone of the humping monkeys was enough to get me through my shark week.

  5. I'm so excited for you -what day exactly are you sitting in on the show?

    I'm oh so sad, because I won't be able to come to your fancy, fancy lunch. But with a bit of luck, I'm sure I'll get to see you sometime in the not so distant future. I aim to stay positive -especially if it's your Shark Week. Yeeha!

    So what day is your official birthday? Just to be sure? I keep waiting for your myspace birthday flag to pop up, but I'm not seeing it.

  6. Oh some advice for you, janers

    POD! You got a POD!

    La Yen makes the dreams come true.

  7. You are SO going to be talking on the air! I can't wait! (did you decide what to bring?)

  8. meta - i'll be at the show on friday (which means margaret ruth...eeek!). And the big day is Saturday. I have that on my myspace, I don't know why it isn't coming up.

    azu'car - thanks for the link! yes, yes she DOES make dreams come true.

    sue - we'll see. I really think that I won't. I decided to bring girl scout cookies. And then they sold out of Samoas, so now I'm trying to think of something different to bring.

  9. So excited for you. What a fantastic hubby... can't wait to hear how your radio debut goes...

    I have yet to hike the Y... and you'll have done it how many times now?

    HAPPY HAPPY 30... ;-)

  10. Happy birthday! And X96 is one of the things I miss most about Utah (the only thing that got me through my 70 minute morning commute). I'll listen online - when's your debut?

  11. ~j....i want to come to lunch but i have that dreadful thing called work to attend. BLAH! can we plan another lunch????? please?

    oh have fun on the show and good luck with the hike. shark week sounds kick ass to me.

  12. yeah, it makes me sad that i can't be there to hike and go to fancy lumpch. i wish i could be there too. maybe i can convince s to move closer so we won't go through this again. love you.

    i'll be listening tomorrow morning.

  13. Radio away friend! Sharks! People are their friends. Not Food! [Of course you won't see me swimming with any sharks.

  14. Sounds awesome ~j.!! Have a great week!

  15. Way to go, Darin!

    This list sounds great, and you deserve it all (and more!).

  16. You have to brign something? YOu should bring Scotcharoos. They are your trademark. If I had known earlier, I would have fed-exed you some Cream Filled Bingles.

  17. Queen - thanks! This will be the third time I've hiked it. You should hike it, next time you're in town.

    mcp - thank you! tomorrow morning (friday, 4/6) is when I'll be there.

    *n* - yes, we ought to have another lunch, and soon. When's your birthday?

    tia - I'm glad you'll listen. If I get a chance, I hope to remember to send a shout out to you, My seester, Jack.

    lyle - thanks! sharks are our friends...

    thanks, tori and geo (so lovely to see you today, geo -- some of that yummy bread is in my mouth right now...mmm...)

    yen - you're absolutely right. I'll make scotcheroos. I don't HAVE to bring anything, but I just wanted to. That's what I'll do.

  18. Well, it's not much, but for your birthday I'm admitting that I lurk on your blog.

    Happy Birthday!

  19. I hope you have a wondrous birthday. I want to be La Yen's friend, not because I want her to buy me amazing gifts for my birthday, but because I have a special place in my heart for people who like to give gifts and are good at it. I get that.

  20. Happy Hiking! Happy Birthday! Happy You!

    (I want to be La Yen's friend for utterly and completely selfish reasons. 1.) I would hope her brilliant wit would rub off on me just a teensy bit. And B.) I want a pair of powerful cheery/cherry red gloves to clean in like C-Jane's--I already have an i-Pod.)

  21. Humping monkeys? Where have I been? Oh right. I've been in Vegas (come see my blog for some updates and tons o' pictures). I'm glad I came to your lunch and I'm sorry I was pissy... had my 3.5yr old with me and was getting ready for my . so I am sorry I wasn't chipper for you. Peas? Okay.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.