Wednesday, May 23, 2007

goddess on the mountain top

To add to the lovely words written here...

*a picturesque spring afternoon at home. baby sleeping, 5 & 1/2 year old playing with friends outside, while 8 year old and 3 year old play with modeling clay on the coffee table in the living room. mama's in the kitchen, cleaning off the counter, when she suddenly pays attention to the singing in the living room*

"...I'm your fire, at your desire!"

"'l ~j.? Is that you singing in there?"

"Yes, Mom, do you know that song?"

"Yes I do. Where did you learn that?"

"On my little blue radio. I heard it and I remembered it!"

"Uh-HUH. Could you sing that again for me, please?"

"I'm your penis, I'm your fire, at your desire!"

"Those aren't the right words, sweetie..."


  1. that made me laugh out loud at 7:30 in the morning

  2. those aren't the right words?

  3. You just made me choke on my soy milk. LOL

  4. TOO STINKIN' FUNNY! I love it

  5. I'm speechless.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I forgot to add that you will have many more penis discussions in your future when Bubby gets bigger.

    Last night we had the missionaries over for dinner and Little J greets them with, "Do you know that your weiner is your penis?!"

    Yeah, you can look forward to that...

  8. You have to get that one on tape!!!

  9. um, i'm confused. does swampbaby have a Little J & ~j has a little ~j? am i right? let me know. preesh.

  10. swampbaby -- now THAT'S funny! I can't imagine all the fun things I have to look forward to...

    beans - yes. I have li'l me, and she has Big J and Little J.

  11. It's a mondegreen that shall go down in history!

  12. Thanks to both ~j and swampbaby for the laughs this morning! Make sure you write those down. Funny!

  13. Between that and her Beaver, she is going to be one popular kid.

  14. oh, ~j...that is SO funny. she and my husband would get along...he is ALWAYS making up/singing the wrong words to songs...his don't usually involve people's parts, but some other funny things.

  15. Excellent!
    I miss Bananarama.

  16. ok jenny so i just cracked up. today kade said, "i have a weiner, do you have a weiner mom?" i said no. and then he said, "do you have a baby weiner?" i said no again. then he said, "but dad has a weiner right?"


  17. That is soooo funny. We had to limit the use of penis, vagina, and bum for "bathroom talk" after the twins gave everyone in their primary class a little ear full of their extensive knowledge on the subjects!
    Thank goodness their teacher is a freind of mine!

  18. Who knew it was such a versatile word? You can substitute it for all kinds of things...

    I can't remember how old my son was when he told me "Reeses Penis's" were his favorite candy.


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