I don't have any tatoos.

But I wish I did.

(And I still go to the temple!)
If I were to have a tatoo, it would be on the inside of my left wrist, and it might look something like this:

(kind of gross when it's all close up like that)
I was thinking, if my kids were to choose tatoos, what would they choose?
Li'l ~j. would choose the Chinese Symbol for Rabbit

You know how some people have permanent, tatooed makeup? Curly would choose tatooed jewelry
[can't find an image of this]
Superstar would choose something Little Einsteins -- luckily, these exist
And Bubby...well, he'd have to have something that says,
"I can do that mySELF, thank you very much!"
What would you choose?
Well, I actually have a tattoo and I hate it. It's ugly. I would still like a daisy, but this was is deformed and needs to be recolored. Bummer.
I'd tatoo my eyes wide open and a bright smile on my face.
For even when I'm too tired to fake it.
(Like this entire week so far.)
You know, even without the prohibition, I probably wouldn't get one. When I was younger I wanted a celtic knot on my ankle. Good thing I didn't get one, considering the one I wanted turned out to be a white power symbol. Yeah.
I just can't commit to a graphic long enough to want it permanently on my body. I'm too indecisive.
I'm just too indecisive...and I think I'd end up annoyed with it - because I'd think it was a dirt spot and ... I'd go crazy. Plus - I don't even have my ears pierced... I don't think I could handle the pain of a tatoo. Thanks for the link to the Einstein tatoos.
Do you know who I am? We met at Jack Marshall's EFY seminar on sibling rivalry or something like that at IU Bloomington. Hmm.. I haven't read your blog in months, but you inspired me and I started one. I've read most of what I missed in that time today. Anyway, I just want to tell you that I am amazed at your insight and ability to communicate so well what you want to say. That is a wonderful talent-yes, TALENT- to have. I am also amazed at your ability to be not only comfortable with yourself, but to love yourself. I have yet to llegar. I have a lot to learn from you yet. I wasn't kidding when I told you that I have learned more from you about the Plan of Salvation than I have from any other person, including my parents. I truly believe that the Plan is all encompassing and you, in the short time that we saw each other somewhat regularly--and now, in your posts--have taught me so much about myself and life in general. You are AMAZING. Thanks for being you and being willing to share yourself with all of us.
Sorry... the tatoo thing. I don't think I could handle the stigma associated with it in church circles or the physical pain or the idea that whatever was permanently on my body might be horribly awful sometime in the future (see AZ's comment). But if I got something, I think it would have to be on my ankle. I've always thought those are kind of cute.
But of course, it would never come to that bc my husband called his friend a gang banger bc he had a tatoo. Can I say that? I don't even know what it means, but I don't think it's very nice. Come to think of it, I don't think my husband knows what it means, either.
Cat eye glasses on my shoulder/back.
ha. i have wanted a star on the inside of my ankle and also an E in some fancy script in a bikini-area-ish please. but i doubt i'll ever get either one.
do you love dave as much as me or just the dancer?
I did choose. Twice. Flowers on my right foot. And then I chose to lazer them off which didn't work and cost a lot. Then I chose to have a plastic surgeon surgically remove it and cover the area with a skin graph from my hip. It also cost a lot. That tattoo was one expensive bad decision!
I don't like tattoos but I LOVE Miami Ink.
See this...
YT - yes, I know who you are, and I've been enjoying your comments as you leave them for me, perhaps particularly the one you left here.
Maybe one of those classic hearts with "FOLLOW THE PROPHET" inside. Just for the irony.
*n* - dave and the dancer.
mcp - I was hoping you'd share your side of things. I always say I want a tattoo, but when it all comes down to it . . . even if the "prohibition" wasn't there, you know what? I didn't do it when I was 18, so why would I do it now? You're a great example.
geo - my friend's brother got a tattoo of the CTR shield while he was on his mission.
What! That's sick and beautiful!
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