Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"...Yeah, we both have so much in common. We both love soup . . . and, uh . . . we love the outdoors . . . uh . . . we both love snow peas . . . and, uh . . . talking, and not talking . . . uh . . . . We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about."
and happy four years to my brother and his wife.


  1. Yay for you! And yay for Rhapsody in White.

  2. Hooray! Congrats to the sweetest almost-newlyweds that I know.

  3. Happy Anniversary! And we all know 10 years is a lot these days.

    Hope you get to go out and enjoy a night on the town.

  4. Congrats! We'll be catching up with you in May :-)

  5. Congratulations! I hope that you were able to get out and celebrate big! And if you haven't gotten to it yet, then please give me a call and bring the kids over so you can go out :)

  6. Ten

    Besides fi am fi
    A perfect number to describe you
    The Lord guided you, a special glimmer in your eye
    My love again I pledge, eternally true

    Though you may not see many a sign
    Revealed regularly by a dimple
    Quite honestly divine
    The ways and means simple

    An artist in every sense, natural creativity abounds
    The passion, emotion, and no-nonsense in deed and word
    Through instruments and voice, how lovely the sounds
    A large following, even a herd

    Supportive to a T
    In all I do and try to be
    Both busy like the bee
    Easy for all to see that you think of so many others, especially me

    Loyal friend, companion, wife and mother
    What you see is what you get
    Many years more, so much yet to discover
    On you any day, I place my bet

    Ever the student and the teacher
    Always learning and willing to share
    A marvelous and unique feature
    You can because you care

    You are my Bo
    Which I guess makes me your Mr. Moore
    I love YOU so
    To new heights you help me soar

    Your beauty majestic and also your posterity
    Li’l ~ j, T, Curly, Superstar and Bubby
    Your desire to be mother, oh the sacrifice, the charity
    I’m proud to be your hubby

    Thank you does not express
    Nor sufficiently can I pen
    My devotion, my love, my dedication, nothing less
    You are my ten

  7. CONGRATS! Hope you get to celebrate exactly the way you want.


  8. Double digits. Nice going. Congrats!

  9. Congrats!

    And that is one of my favorite quotes.

  10. wow, your husband's poetry rules.

    have you seen a mighty wind because one of my favorite moments in the movie world might be when the same actress hums in remembrance of a recently departed folk icon. her hum sounds more like a "muhrrrrwwwwwaaa". so funny.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.