Wednesday, February 13, 2008

and pass the corn

At dinner on Monday night, I decided to let the girls in on some family business.

"Girls, I want to tell you about something. Bubby has to have a special test soon to see if he can hear."

Curly: "Why?"

"Because he doesn't talk yet, and the doctor wants to do a test to make sure."

li'l ~j.: "And if he can't hear, we get to learn SIGN LANGUAGE!!!"

"Yep. We sure do."

li'l ~j.: "What will they do for the test?"

"Well, we have to take him to a special hospital in Salt Lake and the nurses will give him special medicine to make him go to sleep. Then they'll put little things in his ears and play different kinds of sounds."

li'l ~j.: "How will they know if he can hear them?"

"They will take special pictures of his brain and how his brain reacts to each sound."

Curly: "Huh?"

"Each time they play a sound, they'll take a picture of his brain to see if his brain understood the sound or not."

Curly: "If they have to take it out, can I have it?"

"What, his brain?"

Curly: "Yeah!"

eyeroll "They won't have to take out his brain."


  1. But dibs, just in case. You never know. Got to be sure.

  2. Well, duh, his brain. It would make a lovely mountain/alpine slide for the Polly Pockets.

  3. I got to keep my sisters brain. I used it for my 3rd grade science project. I didn't place though- not "real enough".

  4. Funny kids! Good luck with the test. That has to be nerve-racking. Neither Little J or Little Man talked before they were 2, but it turned out ok.

  5. I want to sit at your dinner table.

  6. Amen to what swampbaby said. Lil J used to never talk and now he doesn't ever stop. ;)

  7. what, it's a legitimate request isn't it?

  8. Well, I guess that makes sense. . .how else could they take a picture of it?

    Hope all goes well for Bubby AND you.

  9. I hope everything goes well.

  10. What supportive siblings he has....[willing to learn sign language].

  11. That little interchange would have my three boys laughing for about an hour, and miss Phoebe would have about an hour for "follow-up" questions. Yeah, we should definately have a meal together sometime with everyone. . .

    Good luck with everything that's included in taking the test (most of which means more work and stress for YOU). We're thinking of you!

  12. Me too. Thinking of you. Norah is having the same test in a few weeks. (we can be stress sisters together...and WHY NOT have to deal with this while pg,right?). She has just a few words (and is older than Bubby) and won't walk either.

    Your girls kill me!! Good luck.

  13. That is so great. Be sure to write that one down for when he's older. Good luck with the tests - when are they?

  14. Thanks, everyone. It feels good to have support. And also to know that there are other kids out there who didn't talk at a young age who turned out to be simply brilliant. I'm grateful to be able to have the test so that we can know with more of a certainty what's going on. The test won't be until April...I guess that's how busy the hospital is, but we've dealth with this hospital before (Curly had to have an MRI at 15 months) and they are WONDERFUL.

  15. oh ~j, I know that it's ME you are speaking of in reference to children that don't start talking until later and turn out brilliant. you are so nice. love you.

  16. Hi Jen,
    It was so good to hear from you! I truly wish you all of the best with the hearing tests. I'll keep checking back fro further news. Much love!

  17. What they said.

    You know what I notice sometimes with younger kids? They don't talk because they don't need to. They have two parents and however many older siblings who give them what they need before they ever need to ask.

    Best wishes--

  18. p.s. You probably are already working with a good ENT, but if you need a rec I've got a good one.

  19. Group of girls lobotomizing the only boy in the group. Typical. *cough cough*


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