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Monday, June 23, 2008

i did it for YOU . . .

(maybe especially you and you)

What did I do?

I took my baby to New York. We rented a car and checked into a hotel.




For about a day and a half straight. Maybe more. I'm not really sure.

You're welcome.


Carina said...

I just did the same thing, and it was incredible.

Anonymous said...

Yay for you!

And welcome home.

sue-donym said...

can you do that once a month? You deserve it!

Glad your back.

sue-donym said...

I mean you're. I really don't have much of an opinion about your back.

Nat said...

I would love to do that!

kacy faulconer said...

Nothing like sleeping in the city that never sleeps--you have the sleep all to yourself!

Lisa said...

I'm crying (of course I am) for you! YEAH!