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Thursday, July 10, 2008

I'm having a yard/garage sale on Saturday, along with my neighbors.

Amongst the items for sale:

Maternity Clothes

Baby Items

Kids' Uniform Clothes

Maybe an Air Hockey Table

Lotsa Other Stuff

Saturday, July 12th 8:am - 1:pm

Questions? Let me know.

Want the address? Leave a comment with your email address.

Know where I live and already planning on coming?

Bully for you.


Shar said...

You know what happens when you sell all of your baby stuff?

Wish I lived closer. And I'd be there. One woman's junk is another woman's treasure!

Carina said...

I am going to try to bring some stuff, we'll see.

(Other Half has been chucking the perfectly good stuff I was saving behind my back.)

ash said...


sue-donym said...

There will be bully's there? Then I'm not coming (because I really like your swingset)