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Tuesday, July 01, 2008


  • UPDATE! Summer is here! We have been giong nonstop, chores and parties and living in swimsuits (that's the kids, not me -- don't get scared). I heart lemonade!

  • UPDATE! Jayme told me a li'l somethin' about the library (see previous post): He checked out a book when he was six years old and then returned it . . . right before he left on his mission.

  • UPDATE! Li'l ~j. will be STARRING in this year's STADIUM OF FIRE! (yes, let's just say starring my daughter and featuring: blue men, the new sean hannity, and some girl Not named Hannah.)

  • UPDATE! Stay tuned for next week's post: Where to eat when you visit Busti.


Carina said...

Why must you tempt us with all the Busti goodness?

Shelly said...

You are awesome! I love reading your great sense humor. This summer better go by quicker. Are you ready to throw in the towel like I am? I love my kids, I really do. Just ignore the screaming through the backyard. hehehehehehehe

wendysue said...

Ok, I would totally go to Stadium of Fire to see Lil ~j., but not that Hannah girl. . .

What kind of fine did he have on that book. . .or did they just let it go??

Monica said...

I'm so glad you are going to tell me where to eat in Busti because I just happened to be going there in a little less than a month and I have been fretting about where in the world I was going to eat when i got there and this is the worlds longest sentence.

LuckyRedHen said...

Will she be flinging a hoola hoop? with gobs of facial paint applied for theatrical gradeur? If not, then what is she doing?

heather said...

i'm leaving for ny tomorrow, where should i eat when i'm home? :)
if i am lucky cherries will be ready so my parents and i can pick them, and then eat them until we are ill.
hope all is well for you and the family.

sue-donym said...

Well it looks as though we will be there also. Last minute tickets, last minute decision.

I will be looking for lil ~j. And you.

Tiffany UnTwisted said...

update: i miss you.