Friday, October 03, 2008

he'd be getting baptized this year


  1. I hurt when you hurt.

    I just keep thinking "Sunday will come" and I hope it brings you comfort today.

  2. There are no words except I'm sorry. I love you. And you're in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I have been thinking about you all this week. I am so thankful families can be together forever.

  4. I love you and I love Taylor. And I thought about this last month. And that I wished we were there. I love you. Call and tell me what you need.

  5. Hang in there. I know how hard it is when someone you love "would have" reached a certain milestone. Know that we all love you and are thinking of you. Hang in there sweetie.

  6. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts this week... hoping for peace. Grateful to be your friend.

  7. Oh, bless you. Bless all of you. Sending you love and warm thoughts especially today.

  8. So sorry. You are in my prayers.
    Love you.

  9. Wishing you lots of peace and comfort.

  10. You're so blessed to have him, and he is so lucky to have you.

    Prayers and love.

  11. I know your sweet angel boy is watching over you. You are such a good mom and I am sure he can not wait to be with you again someday.

  12. I've been thinking of you all week. Love to you and your family!

  13. Thinking of you and your loves. You are an amazing woman and I admire all that you are. I know that seems funny since I don't really know you, but you have shared so much through your blog. Thank you for being brave and sharing the reality that Families are Forever. What an unbelievable amazing boy Taylor must be... Heaven couldn't be without him. Thanks again for sharing... Lots of love...

  14. I'm so sorry Jenny. I wish I had better words.

  15. We think of Taylor too, Jenny. We love you all.


  16. keeping you in my thoughts

  17. i'm sorry jenny. thank you for all your words of comfort through this whole thing. if you ever need to talk or vent or whatever, i'm hear for you:). enjoy the week of chocolate cake for all 3 meals.

  18. Thanks for sharing your heart/story with me :) I know I am not the most outgoing, so it is partly my fault, but sometimes in our ward I don't feel like we are the most accepted? But the fact that after only working together for a short time that you felt comfortable enough to share your story and bond with me in the mommies lounge, meant a lot. So thank you :)
    I am only sorry we didn't do it sooner so I could have sent love when you needed it.



Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.