Monday, October 13, 2008

monday's debate

Costco or Sam's Club?


  1. Costco. But mostly because it's closer and I have friends and family who will take me there on their card.

  2. Costco. Used to have a Sam's club card. Now it's Costco. I like it better.

  3. Sam's. It's closer.

    Plus I like to get a hot debate going...

  4. Sam's is closer...but Costco has more stuff. I think Costco is the't we truly hate Walmart deep down...let's boycot them!

  5. funny you should have this debate today!

    I would normally have said Costco, but just this weekend I learned the value of membership in both.
    The roast I bought at Sam's 2 weeks ago was wayyyy better than the roast I bought at Costco Saturday. Sam's had the soup and laundry detergent I wanted. I like Costco's bread, clothing, overall selection and store setup better.
    Sam's is closer. There is rumor that Costco is coming my direction.
    So, my answer is both.

  6. costco, the bakery is WAY better

  7. Costco is just around the bend for me.. it's all about convenience and saving on gas cash.

  8. And you can get a chocolate/vanilla swirl frozen yogurt at Costco. Yum.

    I would probably kill to have our Sam's Club knowcked down and a Costco put in it's place.

    And from what I can remember when I lived in Provo, the Sam's Club was always dirty. Maybe they've cleaned it up since then?

  9. COSTCO! Friendly workers. Clean store. $1.50 hot dog and drink. Great return policy.

  10. Costco. We don't have a Sam's here, but I remember going in Provo. At Costco I love the Chicken Caesar Salad, Trail Mix and Dried Mangos.

  11. checked out your blog through CJane and glad i did... i love blogs with so much writing, sharing, your archives are impressive!! i'll beee baaaccckkk

    and i mean that in the nicest way:)

  12. Costco.

    And I missed you there.

  13. Costco. I am a believer. I love Costco. I buy more stuff at Costco than any other outlet.

    But I do have a membership at Sam's - they are across the street from each other. Sam's just makes you feel like a troll under a bridge... because it's related to Walmart.

    We go to Sam's because they carry Pampers. Sam's also has individually pkgd snacks for the girls - like Snyder's pretzels.

  14. I am a Costco girl living in a Sam's Club ward. I feel highly discriminated against. But then I eat a turkey wrap while I look at the Christmas decorations and get over it.

  15. Costco. But the people are nicer at Sam's.

  16. I've been contemplating this very question for a while. We let our Sam's club membership expire, and now we're wondering if we should renew or go to Costo. I'm liking what I'm hearing so far.

  17. Costco... I know nothing else (went there today, actually).

  18. COSTCO. I say it in all caps, I feel so passionately about it.

  19. We're a Sam's family...but only because they didn't have Costco where I'm from and I have a serious phobia of change!

  20. Costco bi-weekly, Sam's Club 2-3 times a year.

    I heart Costco, but the Sam's Club membership was a gift and there are 2 or 3 things I get there that Costco doesn't carry. I wouldn't go out of my way to pay for a Sam's Club membership though.

  21. Haven't ever been to Sam's. Love Costco. It's an adult's playground except in the check out when you have to foot the bill.

  22. Sam's. I have never been to Costco. Actually, I don't even know where it is.

  23. There is no swaying me on this one. Costco for sure. We only have a Sam's here and every time we go I think "I wish this was Costco"


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