Thursday, October 23, 2008

tell me #4

If I'm following a recipe which calls for large eggs and all I have on hand are medium, is this a problem?
Really, what's the difference?


  1. No problem. Use the medium eggs.

    I am right about this. My cookies are awesome.

  2. I always use medium egss and the food always turns out great. Don't stress about it.

  3. I think that eggs are subjective. The only baking thing that I swear by is unsalted butter, and never margarine.

  4. When I'm making the cake recipe I have that calls for nine large eggs, I add an extra medium if that's all I have. Otherwise, I'm with everybody else.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry about that--somehow my comment showed up twice.

  7. Sometimes recipes are know, suggestions. ;-)

    Got me... don't know the difference.

    I know I always add chocolate chips...even if they're not listed on the recipe.

  8. Queen Scarlett is right. A recipe is more like a guide line anyway. I don't even measure. I guess.

  9. My food chemistry teacher would say there is a huge difference. As for me, if it calls for eggs it is too much work. JK. Funny, I got my bachelors degree in home ec ed and I don't like cooking or baking. Ask a question about sewing.

  10. I've actually wondered the same. I usually just put in as many eggs as it says and ignore the size.


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