Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tuesday's debate

Christmas Letters: yes or no?


  1. Yes, in some form or another.

    Thanks for the kick in the pants, I need to get writing.

  2. Definitely yes. If I get a card with no letter, I conclude that their last year must have been totally lame because they couldn't even give a 2-liner saying how they were or what they have been doing.

  3. LOVE to get them.

    LOATHE to write them. Ever since people I know started having their kids write them I just can't do it. There is something too humbling about being out-written by a four-year-old.

  4. I always do a card and photo (matching outfits). I don't do a letter. Because does anyone really care that my nine year old loves baseball, or that my 13 year old plays the piano? I barely care and I'm their mother.

    If people put the juicy details in their letters (Steve and I almost got divorced this year; Caden gets in fights ever day at recess; Amber is dating the biggest loser ever; Bailey can't talk even though she's almost three) THEN I would be interested.

    If I get another letter that starts, "I can't believe another year has flown by!" I'm going to go insane!

    Or another letter written as a "poem" with really atrocious iambic pentameter.

    If people want to know about us they can read my blog.

  5. I love Christmas letters. Some people think they are braggy...but I love to hear how people are doing. Sometimes Christmas is the only time people talk to each other...through a card.

    I think you should do a letter for sure, I love reading yours each year.

  6. I like a card with pictures and a short personal note. I like a Christmas letter every couple of years....for the record I have not sent either for several years even though my intentions were to do so.
    I feel bad about that.

  7. Absolutely. My extended family is blogger challenged and the Christmas letter keeps them in the loop.

    I like getting letters, but LOVE getting pictures.

  8. Yes, but that's a sort of "do as I say and not as I do" answer. This year I WILL.

  9. I like to get them--especially because we are so far away from everyone we love. It feels nice to have a stack of tangible proof that we have friends and family! **end world's smallest violin solo

  10. Yes. I love getting them from my college friends. It is about the only time I hear from them because life gets in the way. And pictures are a definite yes. And besides before I started blogging it was the only "journal keeping" that I did.

  11. There is nothing lamer than getting a card with only a signature in it. Why bother if that is all the effort you are willing to put into it? A letter and a family pic is not only great to receive, but a fun way to get a little personal family history recorded.

  12. As long as I get a picture I don't care either way.

  13. Christmas letters are one of my favorite parts of the season--I love to see all the random things that my crazy relatives include in their letters!

  14. I agree with Jennie B (ack! That's not the PC answer but I have to agree; unless the letter is from b. or LaYen) and Gerb (I really just want pictures). My letters are same ol' same ol' so I'm doing away with them.

    All the pictures that we get at Christmas stay up as LOOOONG as I can get away with it then they get stored in a special album - it's fun to see families grow year after year. LETTERPRESS (psst Geo) cards are displayed even longer than pictures!

  15. Not so much. I like reading some, but mostly I just like looking at the pictures. (hmmm I sound like a teenage boy now)

  16. I love pictures. I love reading about people ... I do think an empty card with a signature is a waste of paper and stamps...and TIME! ;-)

    Shoot... is it time to start thinking about Christmas cards already?

  17. Yes. Letters sent with an actual stamp on actual paper. With a picture. Even better if the letter has some humorous parts. (i let dave write ours)

  18. I like to write Christmas letters. I think it's fun to make them offbeat and funny. This year as part of my campaign to end my bout with vaginaphobia, I think I'll try to slip a "vagina" or two into my letter. That would be awesome. Also, incidentally, I'm working on a childrens book called, "I Can't Believe What Came Out of Mommy's Vagina!" It's about adjusting to a new baby in the house.



  19. I can't believe I just published that. Tourette's strikes again.

    And yes, I'll let you know when the book is available.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I'm wondering now how I can get on the scooter lounge's mailing list for this year's Christmas letter...

  22. Yes, but I am a big fan of brevity.

  23. I vote that whoever can get the most hidden vaginas in their letter gets a special prize...

  24. I vote that Scooter Dave may not be writing our Christmas card this year.

  25. I say Yes for you but No for me. Even though every year I have said we are doing one but then we never do. I don't even think I will try to trick myself this year.

  26. Yes, and I'm already stressing about getting them done in time.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.