Wednesday, November 26, 2008



  1. I love him!

    My itchy moo had it that bad too. One in each hand, one in his mouth.

    Eventually, he gave it up.

    Bubby will too....just enjoy the cuteness!

  2. I totally, totally understand!

  3. My little chica was the same way...I am always amazed that they get 2 on the mouth. He is so cute!!! We all have our addictions...

  4. I totally have to laugh at this! My M. would have 2-6 at any given time and just keep switching them out every few minutes. Finally we have had to limit him :)

  5. Why are your kids all so cute?! ;-)

  6. How do you get them to take those things? I've tried with of of my kids! None of them used em past a few weeks!
    Which was a little sad for me because I think they SOOO CUTE!

  7. Nice. Put that on a T Shirt.

  8. Wish mine would take one, let alone two :)

  9. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

  10. Keep the picture to black mail him for when he's a teenager and thinks he knows everything and/or wants to impress a girl.

  11. "Bubby, your addiction has affected your life in the following ways. . . ."

    Yeah, I love that Intervention show on A&E.

  12. Baby Girl does the same thing. I have to admit when I am bored sometimes I will get three binkys and torment her. I just keep handing her a new binky. She spits one out to put the new one in. It is pretty funny.

  13. HILarious! That could be one of those pictures you see in the forwarded emails of funny pictures (like the one of the little boy on his toy motorcycle getting pulled over by a policeman).


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