Thursday, November 06, 2008

i am NOT going to start a separate blog about exercising

Like I mentioned before, I went and joined a gym. Before I joined, I used a trial membership at a place I'll call...Burves. I didn't like it much there. I got bored. I prefer variety. And guidance. So I also got me a trainer. I think she killed me today. And I can't stop thinking about food and counting calories. And I have to write down everything I eat. I won't post that information, I'm just telling you that I have to do it and then TURN IT IN. That's right -- Eating Homework. I mean, not the process of eating homework, I mean -- you know what I mean. It has, at least, prevented me from eating M&Ms this afternoon, and also from shoveling a handful of chocolate chips into my face. Because I don't want to be held accountable for that tomorrow when my trainer kills me again.

I can't feel my legs.


  1. I hate trainers. And I hate writing. And counting. And legs. But I do like chocolate chips.

    I am proud of you for going! Did you put on glitter before you went?

  2. Precisely why the only gym I've worked out in is comprised entirely of the treadmill in the basement.

  3. Really? Not even the sneaky chocolate chips thing?

    Wow...I'm both proud and envious of you.

  4. I had a gym I loved once. I felt comfortable there and I really liked going. Then a big conglomerate gym ate it up like it was nothing and inherited my membership, but I cannot bring myself to go to the other one. Too much silicone. Or whatever they're making them with these days.


    But good on you!

  5. Poor thing. Get a Wii Fit. It can't see into the kitchen and doesn't know when you eat the m&ms that fell under the refrigerator.

  6. j- don't let your muscle's protests stop you. it's a good pain... when I first started exercising after a few years of not it took a month or so for my muscles to adjust to the torture. now it is pure bliss if not addiction.

  7. Eating Homework is exactly why I look the same as I did last year. My problem is that I actually EAT my homework.....You've the best trainer!

  8. This was not what I needed to read tonight... I even had the thought before opening up your blog, man I shouldn't be eating this softest cookie ever at this hour, but it tastes so good... then I read your blog and should be smacked by your trainer for my transgressions. Good luck!

  9. proud, oh so proud...

    i need to start keeping track of my intake

    but secretly i am terrified because the quantity is much greater than i tell myself it isn't

    got that?

  10. Good for you! The soreness gets better. And in a week or so, I bet you'll feel great!

    Having a personal trainer would be awesome, because there is someone to be accountable to.

    I need to start up yoga again. It was awesome.

  11. I miss my trainer. Where's the candy?

  12. that would be tough for me. hot pockets don't look too good on the eating homework. hope you love having a trainer!

  13. More info, pleeeeze. I am in a huge rut and maybe may might follow in your footsteps, if I can justify the moolah and overcome inertia. You know my email, right? You are inspiring. Go spandex!

  14. P.S. WON'T do Burves. No offense to Burve-ites, it's just that I already go in circles all day.

    Word: epaclams


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