Tuesday, November 18, 2008

no seriously this JUST happened

My cell phone rang.

7:40 a.m.

It's Azu'car.

Oh good, I think, I meant to call her back last night, but I fell asleep.

"Good morning!" I answer.


Then, a small voice, "Good morning."

I smile. "Hi there."

"Hi. This is Guille."

"Yes, I know. How are you?"

"Good. Who is this?"

"This is ~j.."

"Oh. I want to call Nana."

"Well, you called me."

"I want to call Nana. Do you know her phone number?"

"No, I don't. Hey, Guille?"


"Where are your mommy and daddy?"

"Daddy . . . he is at his work. Mommy . . . she is sleeping."

"Okay. And Santi?"



"I want to talk to Nana."

"I don't know her phone number. Sorry. Guille?"



Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.