Thursday, November 20, 2008

one eighty nine and nine tenths

That's my number. That's when I begin to be okay with the gas prices.
What's your number?


  1. No. I lied. 2.19

    I love 2.19 and below.

  2. I wish it $0.98. That is what it was back in 1997 when I got married. Good luck though huh??

  3. 1.79 yesterday. I haven't been out today.

  4. It was about $ .99 when I started driving. That would be awsome.

  5. I paid 2.049 yesterday...and I was excited. But...I'm waiting to see if we'll be back to 1.99 - when I first started complaining.

  6. I got it for $1.79 today and was ecstatic. I remember being a teenager and getting so mad when it was $1.22! funny

  7. Anything under 2.009 makes me happy.

  8. I like 4.299 That's the point where the curve representing the number of people who buy scooters based on the price of gas intersects with the curve representing my ability to afford to put said gas in my car due to the increased volume of scooter sales.

  9. Once it went under $2, I found myself calling people when I filled up and bragging about how cheap I got my gas! Yesterday I filled up for $32 ($1.89, but by last night everywhere was $1.84!)

  10. I would love if it went to below $1.00 like it was when I started driving in '97. Give me under that and I'll be thrilled to pieces!

  11. 1.61 this evening on the edge of town by the highway. This is making me more than a little nervous.

  12. Yep- I remember .89, but alas, I will take the $1.58 it is now. :)

  13. $1.49. And it's cheaper a few miles away in Missouri.


Thanks for being here. And thanks for being nice.